In the year 40 ABY, Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, was in the middle of a meeting with her Sith apprentice, Jacen Solo, when their conversation was interrupted. The Twi'lek Dark Jedi, Alema Rar, discovered Jedi Master Tresina Lobi spying on their discussion. Rar then attacked Lobi, which alerted Lumiya to the presence of both women. As Solo made his escape, Lumiya entered the lightsaber duel that had broken out in Fellowship Plaza on Coruscant. Lobi initially managed to hold her own against the two darksiders, even severing the weapon arm of Lumiya. However, she couldn't maintain her offensive against two opponents for long. Lumiya's lightwhip was used to cripple her, and then Rar killed her with a decapitating blow from her lightsaber.
During the Dark Nest Crisis and the subsequent Swarm War, Alema Rar, a Dark Jedi and joiner, suffered defeat in the final battle of that conflict at the hands of Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo, leaving her both disfigured and mentally unstable. Rar resurfaced in 40 ABY, seeking vengeance on Organa Solo by targeting her son, Jacen Solo, who had recently embraced the dark side under the influence of the Sith Lady Lumiya.
On one particular day, Solo had a meeting with his cousin, Ben Skywalker, in Fellowship Plaza. They discussed Luke Skywalker's worries about his son, as well as a new GAG Star Destroyer, the Anakin Solo._ _ Lumiya, Rar, and Tresina Lobi, a Jedi Master dispatched by Luke to keep an eye on Ben, were all observing their conversation. After the meeting concluded, Solo directed Ben towards the Galactic Justice Center. As Ben walked past Rar, she noticed Lobi was secretly listening in on the conversation. Lumiya then emerged from her hiding spot to talk to Solo about his influence over Ben, and the possibility of training him as his Sith apprentice. Rar spotted Lobi recording the conversation as Solo instructed Lumiya to assassinate a list of Bothans in order to lure the terrorists into a trap. As Lobi prepared to transmit the recording to Luke, Rar realized that if Solo were to become a Sith Lord, it would break Organa Solo's heart, thus accomplishing her revenge. Therefore, she resolved to stop Lobi from sharing her discovery.
Rar leaped at Lobi, landing on her shoulder blade and crushing it. She then used the Force to snatch Lobi's headset, and a duel began. Lumiya, witnessing the fight, told Solo to leave for his meeting with Admiral Cha Niathal. Lumiya initially approached Rar cautiously, but the Twi'lek declared herself an ally, and the two joined forces to fight Lobi.
Lobi used the Force to throw an urn at Rar's injured shoulder before she could deflect it with Force lightning, sending her crashing into some bushes behind her. As Rar got back on her feet, she saw Lumiya engaging the Jedi with her lightwhip. As Rar moved towards the fight, Lobi backflipped, pulling Rar into the strands of the lightwhip, which cut her thighs and ribs. Lobi landed and sliced off Lumiya's cybernetic weapon arm, then aimed for her torso before Rar intercepted the attack with her own blade. As Lobi attacked the Twi'lek, Rar used the Force to hurl the prosthetic arm towards Lobi's head. The arm missed, but it gave Lumiya time to attack. Lobi dodged and kicked Rar in the chest. As she was sent flying, Lumiya launched another series of attacks, driving Lobi towards Rar. Lobi spun around and attacked Rar, but stumbled back into Lumiya's lightwhip and lost both of her legs. As Lobi screamed in agony, Rar ended her suffering, and the duel, with a decapitating strike.
Even after Lobi was defeated, Lumiya remained suspicious of Rar. She moved to the other side of Lobi's lifeless body, keeping her lightwhip activated. It was then that Rar retrieved the recording device from Lobi's corpse, tossed it to Lumiya, and aligned herself with her cause.
A gardener droid discovered Lobi's body and alerted the Coruscant Security Force. Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker investigated Lobi's death, with their investigation taking them and Detectives Tozr and Raatu to the Zorp House apartment tower, and Lumiya's apartment.
Rar continued to serve a role akin to that of a Sith Minion within Lumiya's Sith Order. She fought alongside Lumiya at Roqoo Depot and Gilatter VIII, and she saved Solo's life during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Ultimately, neither of Tresina Lobi's killers survived the Second Galactic Civil War: Lumiya was defeated in a duel by Luke Skywalker, and Jagged Fel, who had been pursuing Rar since the end of the Swarm War, killed her with the assistance of the other Solos and Zekk. Solo himself, as the Sith Lord Darth Caedus whose rise and reign Rar and Lumiya had joined forces to facilitate, died at the end of the war.