Kolir Hu'lya, a female Bothan with tan fur, held the rank of Jedi Knight in the era succeeding the conclusion of the Swarm War. Her knighting had occurred merely weeks prior to the commencement of the Second Galactic Civil War.
She took part in Operation Roundabout within Team Purella, whose objective was the abduction of Five World Prime Minister Aidel Saxan. However, the mission turned out to be an ambush. Kolir sustained a fractured jaw as a result of an airspeeder accident and was rendered temporarily unconscious, but she did recover.
Hu'lya wielded a lightsaber featuring a silver hilt and a blue blade.
Kolir joined Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, fellow Jedi Knights Thann Mithric, Valin Horn and Jedi Apprentice Seha Dorvald on an assignment in the lower levels of Coruscant with the goal of locating Jacen Solo. During the confrontation between the Jedi and Solo, Kyle suffered a serious injury when he was stabbed in the chest, and Seha escorted him to safety. After Thann was killed by Jacen, Valin and Kolir escaped.
Subsequently, Kolir was present with Jaina Solo when Kenth Hamner, the Acting Grand Master of the Jedi Order, walked by accompanied by Captain Harfard.