Thann Mithric, a Falleen male, held the rank of Jedi Knight in the period after the conclusion of the Swarm War. As the Second Galactic Civil War began, Kolir Hu'lya consistently reprimanded him for employing his Falleen pheromones alongside Jedi mind tricks. He participated as a member of the team consisting of Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Hu'lya that attempted to abduct Aidel Saxan as a component of Operation Roundabout. However, the mission was revealed to be an ambush, resulting in Zekk sustaining burns on his back and Kolir suffering a fractured jaw. Thann escaped with only minor injuries.
Thann joined Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, fellow Jedi Knights Kolir Hu'lya and Valin Horn, and Jedi apprentice Seha Dorvald on a mission within the lower levels of Coruscant to locate Jacen Solo, who had become Darth Caedus. During the duel involving the Jedi and Caedus, Kyle was critically injured by a stab to his chest and was evacuated to safety by Seha. Kolir, Valin, and Thann continued their fight against Caedus, which led to Thann receiving a blaster wound to the chest and his decapitation.

Leland Chee suggested the possibility that the Falleen depicted in The New Essential Guide to Alien Species could potentially be Mithric.