Duel in The Squall

The event known as the Duel in The Squall transpired in the year 11 ABY on the world of Yinchorr.

The duel

Kir Kanos slays Jax.

The confrontation began as a conflict between Kir Kanos, a former member of the Imperial Guard, and Carnor Jax, a Sith Lord. Jax was supported by a number of shadow stormtroopers and his personal assassin, Geff Blim. Kanos swiftly overcame Jax's troopers before engaging Jax himself in a vibroblade fight. Despite using his understanding of the dark side of the Force, Jax was ultimately defeated and killed by Kanos. Blim, who was ready to shoot Kanos, was then killed by New Republic mercenaries Sish Sadeet and Mirith Sinn, who had tracked Jax to the isolated planet.


As the duel ended, Kanos eliminated Sadeet when he attempted to prevent him from killing Jax. Sinn, exhausted from the events, was in no condition to fight the guardsman, but swore she would get revenge for her friend after Kanos departed the planet.

