Mirith Sinn

Mirith Sinn, an operative for New Republic Intelligence, commanded New Republic partisan forces on the world of Phaeda. During this time, she encountered and fell in love with Kir Kanos. Later in her life, she rose to the position of Chief of Security at the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant.


From an early age, Sinn was drawn to men she perceived as "great." However, in the early years of the Galactic Civil War, Mirith ultimately married a farmer named Jahren Sinn on Nez Peron. Jahren engaged in commerce with Baron Ragez D'Asta, leading Mirith to develop a friendship with the Baron's daughter, Feena.

Rumors circulated among the populace regarding a potential Rebellion and the end of the Empire. Despite its impoverished citizens, Nez Peron remained under Imperial control. Seeking reform and justice, Jahren was chosen to represent Nez Peron's farmers. He made the decision to withhold their produce from the Empire. This plan was destined to fail, as Darth Vader arrived on Nez Peron and crushed the burgeoning resistance. Vader himself murdered Jahren Sinn, prompting his wife, Mirith, to pledge her loyalty to the Rebel Alliance, vowing to continue fighting the Empire until its demise.

Mirith being tortured by Imperial Guard Carnor Jax's men

For the duration of the war, Sinn served with the Alliance, participating in events such as the Battle of Endor and the establishment of the New Republic. She fought as a soldier during the New Republic's liberation of Mokk IX, where she provided care for an injured Trandoshan named Sish Sadeet. Following his recovery, Sadeet enlisted in the New Republic and became her trusted second-in-command.

Sinn, now holding the rank of commander, spearheaded New Republic forces still actively combating the Empire. Recognized as a natural leader, she demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice her life for the soldiers under her command. When Carnor Jax seized control of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, Sinn was stationed on Phaeda, leading an underground resistance movement. It was during this period that Kir Kanos made his appearance.

Kanos, a former member of the Imperial Royal Guard seeking vengeance for the death of Palpatine against Carnor Jax and the Interim Ruling Council, arrived on Phaeda and was granted refuge by Tem Merkon. Sinn was initially highly suspicious of Kanos's motives. Kanos gained the trust of Sinn and her Trandoshan lieutenant, Sish Sadeet, during an attack by Colonel Xexus Shev. Kanos almost single-handedly defended the New Republic base from Shev's assault.

Meanwhile, Carnor Jax was traveling to Phaeda with the intention of capturing Kanos. Sinn and Sadeet discovered that Tem Markon had betrayed Kanos's presence to Jax, who then initiated a proactive search of Phaeda. Disguised, Sinn attempted to recover Kanos's ship but was apprehended by Jax's stormtroopers, who mistook her for Kanos. Jax tortured Sinn in an attempt to extract Kanos's location. Eventually succumbing to Jax's Force-assisted torture, she revealed that he was on Yinchorr. Jax released Sinn and departed for Yinchorr. Sinn, accompanied by Sadeet, followed.

Upon arriving on Yinchorr, Kanos and Jax were engaged in a deadly duel on The Squall. As Kanos was about to kill Jax, Sinn and Sadeet demanded that he be taken alive, a request Kanos refused. In an attempt to pull Kanos away from Jax, Sadeet was impaled and killed. Enraged, Sinn vowed revenge against Kanos, who promptly departed, leaving Jax dead.

Sinn then sought out Kanos to avenge Sadeet's death. However, she also became involved in the search for Feena D'Asta, eventually finding her way to the lair of Grappa the Hutt on Genon. Meanwhile, Kanos had infiltrated Grappa's entourage under the guise of the bounty hunter Kenix Kil, pursuing his own agenda to eliminate the members of the Interim Ruling Council. Sinn soon located Feena D'Asta and uncovered a Black Sun conspiracy to replace Council members with clones. However, Sinn's true identity was exposed to Grappa by a former subordinate, Massimo. Massimo revealed her intentions to Grappa, who then sent both of them to Xo, the homeworld of the terrifying Zanibar.

Kir Kanos and Mirith kiss.

Kir Kanos commandeered an A-wing and pursued them, determined to rescue Sinn. He arrived just in time, as Massimo had already been sacrificed in the Zanibars' horrific ceremony. Kanos and Sinn escaped from the Zanibar and crash-landed in the jungle, far from the Zanibar settlement. Together, they traversed the jungle, defending themselves against carnivorous plants and animals. Using an overcharged blaster to provide warmth, they spoke late into the night. Sinn shared the story of her husband's death with Kanos and questioned whether the Empire Kanos believed in truly existed. Despite their differences, they began to develop feelings for each other.

The following morning, they were attacked by the Zanibar. However, Sinn was rescued by a friend of Kanos's, leaving him behind and causing Sinn great distress. Having lost Kanos, Sinn returned to New Republic space and learned that Kanos was to be delivered to Grappa on Genon. Sinn prepared and led a direct assault on Grappa's base, infiltrating it to rescue Kanos. Reunited, Sinn and Kanos proceeded with their final objective.

On Ord Cantrell, Sinn and Kanos exposed Black Sun's cloning plot to Baron Ragez D'Asta, who had also been reunited with his daughter Feena. Kanos nearly killed Feena for her involvement with the Ruling Council, but Sinn intervened, demanding retribution for Sadeet's death. Xandel Carivus, the de facto Emperor and Kanos's final target, arrived. He ordered his personal guards to kill Sinn and Kanos, who swiftly dispatched them. Kanos then pursued and killed Carivus. Despite several Council members still remaining at large, Kanos decided he had committed enough killings and ended his mission.

Following the defeat of Xandel Carivus, Sinn and Kanos returned to the New Republic battle fleet. Sinn had come to realize that Kanos possessed the same personality traits that had attracted her to Jahren. Despite Sinn's plea for Kanos to stay with the New Republic and with her, Kanos remained loyal to Palpatine's Empire. Before departing in a borrowed X-wing, Kanos and Sinn shared a final, passionate kiss.

An Empire Lost

In 13 ABY, Sinn applied for the position of Chief of Security for the New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo.

Republic Chief of Security Mirith Sinn tracks intruders inside the Palace.

One night, while patrolling the Palace, she encountered intruders. Aided by Leia Organa's Noghri bodyguards, she successfully eliminated them and protected the Chief of State and her children.

Shortly thereafter, she was contacted by Feena D'Asta, who proposed negotiations for a truce between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant on behalf of Admiral Pellaeon. Leia Organa Solo accepted this proposal and agreed to allow Mirith Sinn to meet with the Imperials. However, shortly before her departure, Kir Kanos arrived on Coruscant and was apprehended. Sinn visited Kanos in his cell, where he informed her of Devian's plot to destroy the New Republic with a zinethium bomb. Kanos and Sinn then alerted Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker to the zinethium bomb. When Leia Organa Solo hesitated to release Kanos, Sinn offered to meet with D'Asta on the condition that Kanos accompany her. Leia agreed to her terms.

Kanos and Sinn arrived at the abandoned mining facility where the meeting was to take place. During the meeting, Basdor became enraged by the presence of Kanos, who had murdered Xandel Carivus. Basdor stormed out of the meeting, and immediately afterward, D'Asta, Kanos, and Sinn were attacked by Stormtroopers. Sinn and Kanos managed to kill the Stormtroopers, who Kanos identified as Ennix Devian's men, but D'Asta was killed during the attack. After informing Chief of State Leia Organa Solo of the events, they proceeded to deliver D'Asta's body to her father.

Upon arriving on Nez Peron, Sinn confided in Kanos that she felt she no longer believed in anything after both of them had lost everyone close to them. They then met with the Baron, informing him of the attack and revealing that Ennix Devian's men were responsible for his daughter's death. Devian's plan to have Gilad Pellaeon attack Coruscant while he targeted the heart of the Empire then became clear. The Baron devised a plan to demonstrate to Pellaeon that there was no treachery, reintroducing them to his daughter's clone.

As Pellaeon was being captured by Devian, the Baron, the cloned Feena, Sinn, and Kanos intervened. General Vota attempted to shoot Pellaeon but was killed by Sinn. A firefight erupted between Devian and Baron D'Asta/Pellaeon's forces. Devian then attempted to kill Pellaeon, but Sinn shot his blaster. Devian fled, and Kanos pursued him. When Sinn located Kanos, he had already killed Devian but had sustained injuries himself. Sinn informed him that Pellaeon intended to detain Kanos due to outstanding warrants and that Baron D'Asta had offered them shelter. Sinn and Kanos went to retrieve Devian's shuttle to meet with one of the Baron's warships when Kanos collapsed due to his injury.

Later on Coruscant, Sinn was questioned by Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, and three others regarding Kanos and the attempted bombing of the Palace. Sinn claimed that Kanos was unaware of the bomb's presence on the ship and that he was dead. She then submitted her resignation and departed. Kanos's "death" was a deception orchestrated by Sinn to prevent anyone from searching for him, while in reality, he was hiding in the D'Astan system until he recovered.

Behind the scenes

Mirith Sinn was voiced by Nichole Pelerine in the audio drama adaptation of Crimson Empire.

