Attack on Grappa the Hutt's fortress

The assault targeting the fortress of Grappa the Hutt unfolded in 11 ABY, amidst the backdrop of the Imperial Civil War. A contingent from the New Republic, under the command of Commander Mirith Sinn, launched a raid on the palace belonging to Grappa the Hutt situated on Genon. The objective was to liberate Kir Kanos, a former member of the Imperial Royal Guard, alongside Feena D'Asta, who served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council.


During an offensive operation against a Black Sun installation, namely a strike, Commander Mirith Sinn, also known as Red Leader, discovered that Kir Kanos was being held captive by Grappa the Hutt. This information came to light following Kanos' capture by the Zanibar when he was rescuing Sinn on Xo. After successfully destroying the Black Sun's cloning facility, Sinn and her forces made their way to Genon with the intention of rescuing Kanos in return.

Grappa, in collaboration with Black Sun, had orchestrated the abduction of Feena D'Asta. He then created a clone to replace her on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, utilizing the very facilities that Mirith Sinn had raided and destroyed. Underlord Y'ull Acib, enraged by the destruction of Black Sun's cloning operations and the disappearance of his subordinate Macus Kayniph, contacted Grappa. Unbeknownst to Acib, Kayniph had been killed by the Hutt in a fit of anger. To Grappa's dismay, the Underlord announced his impending arrival on Genon and demanded that Kayniph be detained for questioning.

Simultaneously, Grappa acted as an intermediary for the Zanibar's attempt to claim the imperial bounty placed on Kir Kanos. He promised Zzzanmxl, the Zanibar's leader, nine tenths of the substantial reward, further increasing his debt to the group.

The Mission

Following his communication with Y'ull Acib, Grappa the Hutt was taken by surprise when a group of New Republic pilots, led by Commander Sinn, confronted him. Grappa was astonished to find [Tav Kennede](/article/tav_kennede], a former employee, among their ranks. Kennede then revealed his true allegiance to Kir Kanos.

Sinn demanded that Grappa release Kanos and D'Asta. When Grappa resisted, she ordered Green Leader, an X-wing pilot, to initiate an attack run on Grappa's fortress. Eventually, Grappa conceded to the New Republic's demands. He suffered further humiliation by being imprisoned in the same cell where Kir Kanos had been held, lamenting the consequences of his failures to both Black Sun and the Zanibar.


Sinn's group then journeyed to Ord Cantrell, which served as the capital of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council and the site of a battle between the forces of Baron Ragez D'Asta, Feena D'Asta's father, and Emperor Xandel Carivus.

Schmood, a Yuzzum member of his court, released Grappa from his cell. Grappa discovered that Sol Mon and his pirates had deserted him, and that Dengar had revealed his murder of Macus Kayniph to Y'ull Acib. With Black Sun closing in, the Hutt attempted to escape, but was captured by the Zanibar for his failure to secure Kanos' bounty, intending to use him in their sacrificial ritual.

