Feena D'Asta, daughter of Baron Ragez D'Asta, served as a politician within the Imperial Remnant. Known for her great ambition, she maintained a friendship with Mirith Sinn, who was married to her father's business associate. During 7 ABY, agents working for both Black Sun and Grappa the Hutt abducted her, subsequently replacing her with a clone. She was later rescued by Kir Kanos.
Following the Battle of Endor, Feena's father, Baron Ragez D'Asta, held a position on the Imperial Ruling Council. As the Baron's health declined, Feena assumed his seat on the council. While serving on the Council, D'Asta became known for her passionate advocacy for her father's interests.
In 6 ABY, Y'ull Acib seized control of Black Sun and attempted to infiltrate the Imperial Ruling Council. To achieve this goal, he ordered Black Sun operatives to kidnap Feena D'Asta in 7 ABY. Black Sun then placed a clone of D'Asta on the Council. The Ruling Council did not detect the clone because Black Sun kept the real D'Asta under the influence of drugs to extract information. Baron D'Asta, having had no contact with his daughter prior to the kidnapping, remained unaware of the substitution.
Four years after her abduction, Grappa the Hutt acquired the real Feena D'Asta in exchange for a shipment of gree spice through a deal with Macus Kayniph, a member of Black Sun. D'Asta was then imprisoned on Genon. During a celebration of the trade, Mirith Sinn, a childhood friend of D'Asta, attempted a rescue, but Massimo betrayed her to Grappa, foiling her attempt.
As Grappa the Hutt began to lose control of the situation, Mirith Sinn returned to Genon accompanied by Tav Kennede and several fighters from the New Republic. Sinn forced Grappa to release both D'Asta and Kir Kanos, who had recently been captured.
Simultaneous to the rescue operation, Baron D'Asta launched an attack against the new Emperor, Xandel Carivus, due to his daughter's imprisonment. The baron was unaware that the imprisoned Feena was, in reality, a clone.

In 13 ABY, Feena represented her father in a meeting with Gilad Pellaeon, urging him to consider a truce with the New Republic as the price for their sector's return to the Empire. She contacted Mirith Sinn on Coruscant to solicit her assistance in proposing the truce to the New Republic. She eventually met Mirith Sinn and Kir Kanos but the negotiations were interrupted by an attack from stormtroopers belonging to the Restored Empire, a dissident Imperial faction. Feena D'Asta perished during this ambush.
Later, Sinn and Kanos returned Feena's remains to her father on Nez Peron.