The Zanibar were a species of sentient beings native to the planet Xo, known for their cannibalistic practices.
These sentient humanoids, the Zanibar, possessed a tall and slender physique. Their skin was grayish-blue, and their hands had only three fingers. Distinctive features included their bald heads, elongated skull-like faces, and small, black eyes.
On their homeworld of Xo, the species inhabited at least one village. It was there that the Zanibar engaged in a sacrificial ritual. This ritual purportedly involved feasting on the bodies of their victims, with the belief that doing so would transfer their life forces to the Zanibar gods.
Prior to the Clone Wars, certain Zanibar cannibals were involved in an occurrence within the Corporate Sector. This event sparked a long-standing feud between rival businessmen Dominic Raynor and Iaco Stark.
Certain Zanibar warriors transitioned into roles as bounty hunters or mercenaries. They would only accept sentients as payment, so they could bring them back to Xo for sacrifice. One such group, led by Zzzanmxl, allied themselves with the crime lord Grappa the Hutt in 11 ABY. These Zanibar were unwilling to collaborate with the Galactic Empire, preferring to utilize Grappa as an intermediary.
The initial appearance of the Zanibar occurred in Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood 1, a Dark Horse Comics issue published in November 1998. The comic was written by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley, with illustrations by Paul Gulacy.