Jahren Sinn was a husband to Mirith Sinn and also a farmer residing on Nez Peron in the era of the Galactic Civil War. He conducted business with Ragez D'Asta. The populace of Nez Peron whispered of the Rebellion and the fall of the Galactic Empire. Despite the widespread hunger, Nez Peron was still under Imperial control. Driven by a desire for fairness and change, Jahren was chosen to represent Nez Peron to the Rebellion, resolving to halt future food supplies to the Empire. This strategy was ultimately unsuccessful, with Darth Vader arriving on Nez Peron and crushing the nascent opposition. Jahren Sinn was personally killed by Vader, prompting his wife Mirith to immediately pledge her loyalty to the Rebel Alliance.
Kir Kanos was later discovered by Mirith to possess a number of characteristics similar to Jahren.