The passing of Mara Jade Skywalker was commemorated with a Jedi Funeral. This ceremony occurred in 40 ABY, roughly seven days following Mara's death which took place on Kavan. The location chosen for the funeral was the Morning Court, a spacious atrium situated within the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant.
In preparation for the funeral rites, Mara's remains were carefully swathed in white gauze and placed upon a cremation pyre. The Jedi Knights in attendance, uniformly clad in white robes, gathered in front of the pyre. The Masters of the Order made their entrance, accompanying Luke Skywalker and his son Ben Skywalker. Both Luke and Ben wore gray robes, their hoods drawn up, and were led to the head of the pyre. Numerous government officials and other important figures occupied the remaining space within the Morning Court.
Han Solo and his spouse, Leia Organa Solo, intended to be present at the funeral, but were confronted by a squadron of Galactic Alliance Guard who attempted to take them into custody. This forced them to depart Coruscant before the ceremony could begin. Leia was originally slated to deliver the eulogy, but due to her forced departure, Saba Sebatyne stepped in to fulfill that role.
Shortly after Master Sebatyne commenced her eulogy, Jacen Solo made his arrival. Unbeknownst to those present, he was responsible for Mara's demise, which had led to his transformation into the Sith Lord known as Darth Caedus. His appearance caused a disturbance at the funeral, and his decision to stand alongside Luke and Ben Skywalker displeased the Jedi Masters. They believed he should either join the other Jedi or, if attending as a government official, take his place with the dignitaries. However, Luke intervened, permitting Jacen to remain with him and Ben as a member of their family. Master Sebatyne then resumed her eulogy, redirecting its focus to the perils of the dark side of the Force. As she spoke, Mara's physical form began to fade, and by the eulogy's conclusion, her body had become one with the Force. Master Sebatyne then led the assembled group in reciting the Jedi Code.
Jacen departed shortly after the eulogy, while many of the other attendees convened for a memorial feast in the Hall of Peace.
- Luke Skywalker
- Leia Organa Solo (could not attend)
- Han Solo (could not attend)
- Ben Skywalker
- Saba Sebatyne
- Kenth Hamner
- Jacen Solo
- Kyp Durron
- Tenel Ka Djo
- Tesar Sebatyne
- Lowbacca
- Tahiri Veila
- Cha Niathal
- Cilghal
- Corran Horn
- Kyle Katarn
- Streen [2]
- Octa Ramis [2]
- Cha Niathal with her Galactic Alliance High Command
- most of Galactic Alliance Senate