Morning Court

The Morning Court was an atrium constructed of transparisteel, taking a circular shape. It was situated on the ground floor of the new Jedi Temple found on Coruscant. Located inside one of the four newly constructed pyramids, the atrium featured a ceiling capable of opening, and a conduit that extended to the structure's apex, enabling the influx of both fresh air and sunlight into the space. The floor was covered in living sturdimoss, and the space functioned as a central point connecting adjacent corridors that led to smaller educational areas. In the year 40 ABY, the funeral of Mara Jade Skywalker occurred within its confines.

This court featured a lower floor level, with stairs ascending from it to the surrounding hallways. At the center of this lower area, a platform, possibly a permanent installation, was set up for Mara Jade Skywalker's funeral. A podium for speakers was positioned at the top of a staircase, providing a location for making announcements.

A door located behind the podium opened into a circular waiting room, which was used as the preparation area for the funeral. This room then connected to the larger hallway that encircled the remainder of the pyramid.

Hallways encircled the entire court above it, and a transparisteel wall allowed people walking in the corridors on the second through fifth floors to look into the atrium. Leia and Han Solo were attacked by Galactic Alliance Guard soldiers in the corridor on the fifth floor.

