
Flint, a Human male from Belderone, was the offspring of Flint Torul, a Jedi Knight who fought in the Clone Wars. During the Imperial Era, after the destruction of his home and the demise of his mother, Zana, Darth Vader chose Flint to be his fourth pupil. While serving as a stormtrooper, Vader personally trained Flint, intending for him to eventually battle Vader's other apprentice, Lumiya, for the title of Vader's Shadow Hand. However, following Vader's passing, their confrontation happened sooner than expected, leading to Flint becoming Lumiya's apprentice, the new Dark Lady of the Sith.

Under Lumiya's command, Flint served as she geared up for the Nagai-Tof War, and he was dispatched to bring the Phelleem sector under control. He also received orders to avenge Vader's demise on Endor by confronting and eliminating the Sith Lord's own son, Luke Skywalker. Flint eventually faced Skywalker on the planet Naldar, but he couldn't bring himself to defeat or kill the Jedi. Ultimately, his childhood companion, Barney, assisted in redeeming Flint from the dark side of the Force, and he turned against his Imperial allies. After a period of imprisonment, Flint dedicated himself to aiding displaced individuals from the Galactic Civil War. This work continued until his former master, Lumiya, murdered him for his betrayal of the Sith Order.


Early life

Flint yells for his friend Barney.

Flint's parents were Flint Torul, a Jedi Knight, and a woman named Zana. His father, Flint Torul, was slain by General Grievous during the Clone Wars close to the end of the Outer Rim Sieges. It remains unknown whether the Jedi knew about his son or if Flint was legitimate, but Zana was left to raise him alone. To support themselves, Flint had to start working early. Zana worked the night shift as a waitress at a cantina, while Flint worked at a local Imperial factory producing AT-ATs.

Despite the Empire's strict enforcement of factory shifts, Flint was often daydreaming, aspiring to become a Jedi Knight like his father. Zana constantly worried about Flint missing his shifts, but his skill as a landspeeder pilot ensured he was always punctual. Flint's idealism also irritated his best friend, Barney. Flint was always excited by any change of scenery, even the occasional spacecraft landing at the Belderone spaceport, but Barney had to be persuaded to join, not sharing Flint's enthusiasm.

During the height of the Galactic Civil War, rebel heroes Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca arrived on Belderone aboard the Millennium Falcon. As usual, Flint and Barney went to see the ship's arrival. Flint was thrilled to see Skywalker with a lightsaber attached to his belt. Although Flint believed they had something in common, as both their fathers were Jedi, Skywalker denied it, partly because he had only recently learned that Darth Vader was his father.

Following a Jedi

Despite Skywalker's denial of being a Jedi, Flint was convinced that Skywalker would teach him to use the Force, and he guided the rebels into the main city. Flint continued to follow Skywalker, trying to gather the courage to ask for training. As Barney and Flint spied on Skywalker, a group of Imperial assassins tried to eliminate the rebel crew. The two friends watched as Skywalker skillfully eliminated the threat.

Flint becomes a stormtrooper.

Now certain that Skywalker was a Jedi, Flint decided to show the rebels the AT-AT factory, knowing they would want to destroy it to weaken the Imperials' control. However, upon arriving, they found the factory heavily guarded, with several AT-ATs heading towards Flint's hometown. As the rebels signaled their allies to attack the machines, Flint and Barney sped towards town in a landspeeder to warn the populace, especially Flint's mother. Unfortunately, Flint crashed the landspeeder just outside the city, and both were knocked unconscious.

Waking up the next morning, Flint found Barney unconscious and presumed him dead. An AT-AT had escaped the rebel attack and destroyed Flint's town. Seeing his destroyed home, Flint realized he hadn't warned his mother in time and rushed into the city. Finding his mother's cantina destroyed, he feared the worst. Among the wreckage, he found his mother's lifeless body and fell into despair. He hadn't realized the seriousness of the situation and blamed the rebels for making him believe he could make a difference.

Flint vowed to become someone important, someone who would prove his worth. As he made these promises, Darth Vader arrived and recognized Flint's power. Vader offered Flint a place by his side, promising to make him someone of great importance. Flint eagerly accepted and joined the Empire. Vader immediately made Flint a stormtrooper, promising to train him in the Force.

Fall to the dark side

Flint in his signature armor.

Soon, Flint began receiving personal training from Darth Vader. Like Vader's other secret apprentices, such as Lumiya and Galen Marek, Flint was kept hidden from Emperor Palpatine. Flint gradually developed his Force powers, mastering telekinesis and easily moving boulders. Unbeknownst to Flint, Vader was preparing him for a showdown with Lumiya to determine who would become his Shadow Hand when he decided to overthrow Palpatine.

However, Vader and Palpatine died at the Battle of Endor before this could happen. Vader's death deeply affected Flint, who had grown to love and see Vader as a father figure. Grieving his mentor's death, Flint retreated to Vjun and eventually Bast Castle. Disturbed in his mourning, Flint was confronted by Lumiya, who defeated him and took him as her first apprentice.

With their roles established, Lumiya ordered Flint to subjugate the Phelleem sector while she prepared for the arrival of the Nagai and their imminent invasion. Flint was also tasked with killing Luke Skywalker, a mission he eagerly accepted. Flint knew Skywalker would come to him as he conquered the Phelleem sector. Flint became known as the Dark Lord of Belderone, wearing extravagant armor and wielding a red-bladed lightsaber.


Flint's campaign in the Phelleem sector led to the planet Naldar, where brutal battles took place. The entire royal family of Naldar was killed, except for Princess Vila, who sought help from the Rebellion. Her starfighter landed on the forest moon of Endor, and Vila asked Luke to train her as a Jedi to save her people. Luke, Leia, and Barney accompanied her to Naldar. During the journey, the Force ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker warned Luke that only he could redeem Flint. Anakin implored Luke to undo the damage he had done to Flint as Vader.

Flint reveals himself to Luke Skywalker.

Meanwhile, Flint prepared an ambush for anyone rescuing Naldar. Eventually, Flint's forces saw the Millennium Falcon arrive and surrounded the rebels. Flint ordered his men to stand down and personally confronted Luke, igniting his lightsaber. Luke and Flint engaged in a fierce duel. Luke tried to convince Flint to turn away from the dark side, but Flint refused. One of Flint's stormtroopers shot Luke in the arm, ending the fight. Flint revealed that he had prepared an energy cannon to destroy the city and that it was too late to stop it.

However, before Flint could signal his troops, Barney confronted him. Flint was shocked to see Barney alive, and his resolve weakened. Barney asked Flint to abandon the Empire and consider his atrocities. Flint realized he couldn't continue and began to repent. A stormtrooper, witnessing Flint's betrayal, prepared to execute him for treason. However, Vila intercepted the blaster bolt, mortally wounding her. With another death on his conscience, Flint destroyed the energy cannon, killing his Imperial allies and saving the Rebellion.


After his defection and capture, Flint was imprisoned in a cell made of Mandalorian iron on an Alliance safe-world for years to overcome his dark side experiences. He eventually reformed and returned to Belderone to live a simple life.

After the destruction of the Crystal Star in the Crseih system, the New Republic sought a new home for the displaced and enslaved Firrerreo freed by Leia and Rillao. Flint persuaded the Belderonian people to accept the Firrerreos, although the two groups later developed a rivalry that the Yuuzhan Vong exploited, leading to their mutual extinction.


After the fall of the Disciples of Ragnos, Flint's body was found on Belderone, stabbed through the throat with a lightsaber or lightwhip. Lumiya had avenged his betrayal. Flint was replaced by Carnor Jax, who nearly took Palpatine's place on the throne.

Personality and traits

Flint turns away from the dark side.

In his youth, Flint was enthusiastic and compassionate, much like Luke Skywalker, dreaming of becoming a Jedi like his father. However, when Skywalker denied being a Jedi, Flint felt rejected. Despite this, he remained positive, trying to impress Skywalker. This changed after the Empire attacked his hometown, turning him bitter and cynical.

After joining the stormtroopers, Flint kept a picture of his mother, but Vader's training warped his view, blaming Skywalker for his mother's death and the town's destruction. Under Lumiya's influence, Flint hated the Jedi and wanted to punish Skywalker. During their duel, Flint claimed to have purged his fear, but his offensive faltered, and he was saved by a stormtrooper's shot.

Barney reminded Flint of the truth about his mother's death, breaking his hatred. Flint realized the evil he was perpetuating, turned on his Imperial allies, and submitted to the New Republic. Reformed during his imprisonment, Flint used his compassion to help war victims. He died a hero, a lesson on the dangers of the dark side.

Powers and abilities

Flint was skilled at controlling the landspeeder, ensuring he was on time for his shifts at the AT-AT factory. Despite his confidence, he crashed when rushing to warn his mother. Flint had enough Force potential to be Vader's apprentice but not enough to defeat Lumiya. After training under Vader and Lumiya, Flint mastered telekinesis, pushing aside stormtroopers and manipulating a boulder behind Skywalker. He was also skilled with the lightsaber, challenging Skywalker, who acknowledged Flint's physical prowess.

Behind the scenes

Flint was created by Mary Jo Duffy for the Marvel Star Wars comic series. His backstory mirrored Luke Skywalker's, with a missing Jedi father, idealism, and a desire to leave his world. However, Flint ended up working for the Empire, making him a "what could have been" character in relation to Luke. Artist Jan Duursema saw him as an analogy for Luke, exploring what might have happened if Luke had turned to the dark side.

Flint's journey to the dark side began after witnessing his mother's death, mirroring Darth Vader's path. This connection, revealed after the Marvel comic during the prequel trilogy, is particularly interesting.

Flint's showdown with Luke near the end of the Marvel series was the first lightsaber battle between two Force users in the Expanded Universe, aside from the original films, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, the battle with Kharys in Star Wars Annual (1977) 1, and the fight with Baron Orman Tagge, who was not Force-sensitive. The trick Flint used against Luke (flying a boulder) was later used by Carnor Jax against Kir Kanos in Star Wars: Crimson Empire. This is interesting because Jax later became Lumiya's replacement apprentice after Flint's capture.

When designing Flint's armor for The Dream, Jan Duursema and Jo Duffy hinted at the samurai influences on Darth Vader's costume while adding unique stylistic elements. Duursema researched Far Eastern and medieval armor to create a blend for Flint's costume.

