The Nagai–Tof War represents a period of conflict involving the newly established Alliance of Free Planets, the Galactic Empire, and invading forces consisting of the Nagai species, who were later joined by the Tof species. These invaders originated from the Firefist galaxy, located within the Unknown Regions. The actions undertaken by the Nagai almost prevented the formation of a new galactic governing body within the Alliance of Free Planets. Furthermore, this war marked the initial large-scale appearance of the new Dark Lady of the Sith, known as Lumiya.
The conflict's genesis lies in the deployment of small Nagai infiltration units tasked with disrupting the Alliance's operations, with the intent of preparing the ground for the arrival of the Nagai expeditionary force. Commander Ozrei N'takkilomandrife, considered the most skilled of these Nagai operatives, came close to successfully re-establishing the Wookiee slave trade. The subsequent arrival of the Nagai Fleet, in alliance with the Galactic Empire, escalated the situation into a full-scale war. However, the entry of the Tof, the Nagai's long-standing adversaries, into the conflict led to an unlikely alliance between the Nagai, the Empire, and the Alliance in an effort to counter this emergent threat.
This war is also notable as the first instance of Luke Skywalker's defeat in a duel following the demise of his father, Darth Vader. The Dark Lady Lumiya overcame the Jedi using a lightwhip on Kinooine, although he later managed to defeat her by employing a shoto in conjunction with his lightsaber. The war reached its conclusion with the capture of the Tof leader, Sereno, and the severe wounding of Lumiya. The war's end marked the last public sighting of Lumiya for a period exceeding 35 years.
Until 296 BBY, the Nagai were a peaceful civilization renowned for their beautiful cities constructed from gleaming crystal and wire. The Nagai originated from a planet also named Nagi, situated within a dwarf galaxy that maintained a close orbit around the galaxy. The governing structure of Nagi was based on social circles, into which Nagai individuals were born. These circles were further divided into sub-circles, offering opportunities for advancement through demonstrations of physical prowess. At the zenith of their technological advancements, the Nagai had recently mastered hyperspace technology and dispatched an unmanned probe to map their five-planet star system. This action would irrevocably alter the course of Nagai history.
A Tof warship detected the probe via its sensors and traced its trajectory back to Nagi. Discovering the Nagai unprepared for an assault, the Tof immediately launched an invasion. The Nagai were completely taken by surprise, resulting in the enslavement of many by the Tof. The Nagai governmental system collapsed as entire sub-circles were decimated by the Tof invaders. However, the Nagai's fighting spirit proved more resilient than the Tof had anticipated, and they began to make headway. They dedicated all resources to bolstering their defenses and offensive capabilities, vowing never to be caught vulnerable by a superior force again. They secured an alliance with the Maccabree warriors, who joined the Nagai as ground support.
Seeking to escape the Tof and rebuild their shattered civilization, the Nagai initiated scouting missions to identify potential targets for conquest. One such scout was Krai H'voc, who ultimately scouted the Corellian sector. She reported back to her superiors that the galaxy was embroiled in war and advised attacking after the conflict's conclusion to capitalize on the weakened victor. The Nagai continued their struggle against the Tof, patiently awaiting the opportune moment.

In 4 ABY, the Rebellion inflicted a significant blow upon the Galactic Empire through the assassination of Emperor Palpatine and the destruction of the Death Star II. One week following the Battle of Endor and the day after the Rebel Alliance was reorganized into the Alliance of Free Planets, in the wake of the Bakura Incident, the Nagai determined that the time to strike had arrived. Initial Nagai task forces invaded and attacked several minor planets in an effort to prepare for the arrival of the main Nagai fleet. The objective of these early missions was to sow discord and confusion among the Alliance's members. The Nagai found an early ally in the cyborg Lumiya, who contributed to establishing chaos on Alliance worlds.
An initial tactic employed by these task forces involved establishing a slave trade on planets to terrorize the local populations. Missions to Herdessa and Kashyyyk were the first instances of this tactic being used. The threat of being sold into slavery discouraged most citizens from rebelling against their oppressors. This tactic achieved limited success before the Alliance began to suppress these illegal operations.

The newly formed Alliance of Free Planets first encountered the Nagai on Kashyyyk, where Commander Ozrei N'takkilomandrife had established a slave trade. Commander Knife, as he was known to the Wookiees, quickly amassed a formidable force on the planet. In alliance with Mallatobuck's brother Vargi, Knife became emboldened to attempt the kidnapping of Alliance diplomats: Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Han Solo. However, a show of force by Chewbacca and the local Wookiees dismantled the slaving operation. Unfortunately, Commander Knife escaped to continue causing problems for the Alliance.

Knife's activities continued as he fostered distrust among fellow Rebels in the Cantros system. By bribing a Rebel named Durne, Knife orchestrated the gradual destruction of both Rebel bases in the system. Working for two different outposts, Durne convinced each group that the other was collaborating with the Empire, leading to a slow mutual annihilation. Eventually, the indiscriminate slaughter was halted, and Durne was captured by Alliance members. Unfortunately, the Nagai plot resulted in significant loss of life.
The Alliance hoped for respite from the Nagai threat, but they soon faced another challenge when a Nagai task force attempted to capture the leadership on the planet Kabray. Commander Knife reappeared, taking important Alliance delegates as prisoners. However, the Nagai once again underestimated their captives, and Alliance forces successfully defeated the Nagai forces, capturing Commander Knife in the process. The Alliance felt confident in their handling of the situation, but they were soon to face a much greater threat.

While the Nagai alone presented a formidable challenge, their alliance with the Empire significantly increased the likelihood of a Nagai victory. The Dark Lady Lumiya recognized the Nagai as a means to eliminate her enemies and aligned herself and her forces with them. Lieutenant Den Siva was assigned as Lumiya's aide, and she began preparations for the Nagai fleet to attack the Alliance of Free Planets. Establishing an underground base on Kinooine, Lumiya and Siva prepared for the arrival of the main Nagai forces.
Platoons of stormtroopers accompanied the Nagai back to their home galaxy and assisted in guiding the Nagai fleet back to the newly established staging point on Kinooine. Unfortunately, the secret arrival of the fleet was compromised when an Alliance task force, specifically trained by Luke Skywalker, arrived on Kinooine to scout the area. Lumiya and Siva intercepted the group, resulting in their subsequent slaughter. Skywalker investigated the disappearance of the missing team and personally witnessed the arrival of the Nagai fleet. Skywalker found himself in a duel with Lumiya while attempting to escape, during which he discovered her true identity as Shira Brie, Luke's former lover. Luke escaped the planet and relayed the information to Alliance command.

With the support of the Empire and their main fleet, the Nagai launched a full-scale war against the Alliance, attacking the worlds of Saijo, Mandalore, and Iskalon. On Mandalore, Fenn Shysa and Bey formed a group to resist the Nagai threat, but after several worlds near Mandalore fell to Nagai forces, the Mandalorians allied themselves with the Alliance to defeat the advancing Nagai forces. However, worse news was to come. Examination of Nagai captives from Commander Knife's operation on Kabray revealed a shocking revelation. Hoojib operatives, reading the thoughts of the Nagai, discovered that the Nagai fleet was planning to attack Alliance headquarters on the forest moon of Endor.
The war had reached its peak, and at the Second Battle of Endor forces led by Lumiya and the Nagai fleet nearly succeeded in eliminating the Alliance leadership and destroying the core of the Alliance navy. Due to a traitor within their ranks, the Nagai prisoners, including Commander Knife, were released, and the Alliance's battle plans were handed over to the Nagai fleet. During the battle, Han Solo discovered the traitor to be his old friend Bey, which turned the tide. Although the Alliance repelled the Nagai attack, they suffered significant losses, and both Lumiya and Commander Knife escaped the conflict alive. The Nagai had become a genuine threat, and Alliance leaders recognized the need for a plan to counter the invaders.

Nagai forces continued to harass Alliance worlds, and Nagai General Kob subjugated the world of Iskalon. The local populace, along with an Alliance strike force, fought back against the invaders, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. The destruction of the Nagai forward base changed the course of the battle, but the Iskalonians, distraught over the loss of their people, requested that the Alliance evacuate the planet as well. A plan of attack had yet to be formulated, but fortunately for the Alliance, a solution presented itself.
The Nagai's old enemies, the Tof, eventually tracked the Nagai to Alliance space. The Tof fleet engaged the Nagai Twelfth Squadron on Trenwyth and completely destroyed them. No prisoners were taken, and officially, all lives were lost. The Nagai were unprepared for the return of their old enemy and were poorly positioned to deal with them. However, the Nagai command decided to continue with their conquest and disregard the Tof threat.
On Zeltros, Den Siva led a Nagai squadron against Alliance forces, successfully capturing prominent Alliance members attending a party on the planet. However, this swift victory was short-lived, as the Tof threat was closer than the Nagai had anticipated. Caught off guard by a large Tof force, Siva and his men were defeated and quickly captured. The Alliance were initially grateful for their rescue but soon realized that the Tof were self-serving and had no intention of siding with the Alliance. The Tofs attempted to capture or kill everyone on the planet, regardless of their affiliation. Only through the combined efforts of the Alliance, the Nagai, and a task force of Hiromi were the Tof defeated.
The return of the Tof disrupted the Nagai's plan for galactic domination, leading them to ally with the Alliance of Free Planets to defeat the Tof. Lumiya was furious with this decision, as her sole desire was to see the Alliance destroyed and she cared little for the Tof threat. However, Lumiya's Imperial forces had a different perspective, recognizing that they would not be safe in a galaxy ruled by the Tof. While Lumiya set out to join the Tof war machine, the Empire itself threw its support against the Tofs. Days after the agreement with the Nagai, the Alliance formed the New Republic. C-3PO and R2-D2, were later temporarily loaned off by their owners to Star Tours in order to focus on fighting off the Tof threat.

Despite the shifting allegiances, the war raged on, with the Nagai, the New Republic, and the Empire uniting to defeat the Tof war machine. With their combined forces, they gradually pushed the Tof back. On Saijo, where the Tof leader Prince Sereno had established a personal base, the Tof made their final stand. Trench warfare ensued, with the allied forces slowly advancing towards Prince Sereno's headquarters.
The bloody battle concluded with a New Republic strike force infiltrating the Prince's palace and a naval battle between Republic forces led by General Calrissian and the Tof ship Merriweather. The Battle of Saijo marked the end of the Tof threat. The Tof fleet was significantly weakened, and Sereno was captured by Skywalker after a final confrontation with Lumiya. Bey fired the concluding shot of the conflict, disabling Lumiya with a single blast from his blaster.
The day after the conflict ended, the Alliance of Free Planets was reorganized into the New Republic, with Bright Tree Village on Endor remaining as the capital. The New Republic offered the Nagai full membership in the new galactic government and offered to rebuild Saijo as a new homeworld for the Nagai, where they could live in peace. However, most of the Nagai chose to seek out their own world and returned to liberate Nagi from the Tofs still in control there. The Mandalorians, under Fenn Shysa, joined the Nagai in their fight to liberate Nagi and temporarily left New Republic space.
Some Nagai chose to remain in New Republic space and became renowned for their fighting skills in local arenas. Nagai forces eventually liberated Nagi, and Fenn Shysa returned to defend his homeworld.
Two years later, the New Republic would take Coruscant from Imperial rule, officially replacing the Galactic Empire.
The Dark Lady Lumiya went into hiding. Lumiya's forces had deserted her during the conflict, and it remains unknown whether they rejoined her after her apparent death in the final battle of the war. Many within the alliance believed Lumiya to be dead after the conflict, but the absence of a body led many New Republic commanders to designate her as a potential future threat.
Following the conclusion of the war at Saijo, the New Republic initiated its primary liberation campaign against the Galactic Empire.
The Nagai–Tof War was first depicted in the concluding issues of the Star Wars comic book series published by Marvel. For many years, the conflict lacked a canon name; the online Star Wars encyclopedia Wookieepedia used the title "Nagai–Tof War" for its article on the subject. It was not until 2009, when James McFadden authored the Hyperspace-exclusive article The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs, that the name was officially canonized.
- Battle of Herdessa [4]
- Skirmish on Kashyyyk
- Skirmish in the Cantros system [4]
- Battle of Koda Space Station [5]
- Battle of Mephout [5]
- Battle of Virgillia [5]
- Battle of Mandallia [5]
- Battle of Mandalore [4]
- Skirmish on Kabray [4]
- Skirmish on Kinooine [4]
- Second Battle of Endor [4]
- Battle of Terminus [4]
- Battle of Sullust [5]
- Raid on Saijo [5]
- Battle of Rutan [4]
- Battle of Faldos [4]
- Battle of Shumavar [4]
- Battle of Manpha [4]
- Battle of the Berrol's Donn system [4]
- Battle of Mon Gazza [4]
- Battle of Iskalon [4]
- Battle of Trenwyth [4]
- Twelfth Battle of Zeltros [4]
- Conquest of Saijo [5]
- Battle of Fondor [5]
- Battle of the Thesme sector [5]
- Battle of Saijo [4]