Battle of Herdessa (Nagai–Tof War)

The Battle of Herdessa served as an initial conflict during the Nagai invasion that occurred in 4 ABY.

Historical Context

In the aftermath of the pivotal Battle of Endor, the Rebellion dedicated significant efforts to diplomatic endeavors while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a new governing body known as the Alliance of Free Planets. Key figures, including Mon Mothma and Leia Organa, embarked on journeys to various planets, assuring the populace that their needs would be addressed within this nascent government.

These diplomatic missions eventually led the aforementioned leaders to the planet of Herdessa. Upon their arrival, the Alliance ambassadors encountered a reception that was far from cordial. Unbeknownst to the Alliance, the Dark Lady Lumiya had forged an alliance with the world's leaders, assuming the role of head of planetary security. Leveraging this position, Lumiya initiated a covert slaving operation, systematically exporting members of the lower classes off-world. This illicit enterprise was synchronized with a parallel slaving operation taking place on the planet Kashyyyk. The shared objective of these simultaneous operations was to undermine the Alliance's influence, thereby clearing the path for an impending Nagai invasion.

While diplomatic discussions unfolded on Herdessa with the planetary leaders, namely Brylin, Tof, and Gaza, the clandestine slaving operation proceeded according to plan. With the backing of Herdessan shocktroopers, Lumiya prepared to conduct raids on the city's slums. As negotiations deteriorated, Leia excused herself from the meeting, only to encounter Lumiya directly involved with a lower-class citizen. Leia intervened, assisting the woman in her escape and subsequently retreating to her own hideout. There, she discovered that the woman, named Suzu, was the leader of the resistance movement against Lumiya and the corrupt Herdessan politicians. Upon realizing that the Herdessan leaders were complicit in Lumiya's slaving operation, Leia pledged her support to Suzu and her fellow rebels.

The Conflict

Princess Leia fights alongside Herdessan rebels.

Almost immediately after Leia committed her support, she found herself embroiled in active combat between Lumiya's forces and the Herdessan Rebels. Leading a substantial contingent of Herdessan shocktroopers, Lumiya stormed the Rebel's base. During the ensuing firefight, nearly all the Rebels were subdued by stun beams, but Leia and Suzu managed to evade capture.

Recognizing the Rebels as a significant threat, Lumiya dispatched a force of stormtroopers into the city with orders to suppress the Rebellion. After capturing the rebels, Lumiya discovered that Leia was still at large. Using a loudspeaker, Lumiya issued a decree to the middle-class citizens, instructing them to evacuate their homes so that her forces could conduct searches for the fugitive.

Mon Mothma, now held captive by the corrupt Herdessan government, attempted to rally the people to overthrow their oppressors. However, the citizens were too intimidated to resist. Nevertheless, a minor skirmish erupted among a group of lower-class citizens. The Herdessan Rebel Finn was quickly apprehended, and Lumiya prepared to execute him. Fortunately, Suzu and Leia orchestrated a diversion, delaying the execution and allowing Leia to ambush Lumiya's guards.

While Leia engaged the guards, Suzu freed the remaining prisoners, leading to a final confrontation between Lumiya's forces and the now-armed rebels. Amidst the exchange of blaster fire between the Rebels and the Imperials, the remaining Herdessan citizens seized the opportunity to revolt against Lumiya and her corrupt allies. Attacking the Imperials from behind, the Herdessan citizens swiftly overwhelmed their former oppressors, bringing the battle to a close.


Lumiya plots her revenge against Princess Leia.

Although the Herdessan slaving operation was dismantled, Lumiya managed to escape the battle and return to her own forces. The corrupt planetary leaders were deposed and likely replaced by Suzu and Finn. Following this incident, Herdessa likely joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Mon Mothma grew concerned about the strength of Lumiya's forces and discussed with Leia the importance of locating Lumiya and uncovering her plans. Despite the failure of her plans to destabilize the Alliance through the introduction of a new slave trade, Lumiya returned to the Nagai staging point on Kinooine, where she prepared for the arrival of the main Nagai fleet. During the Skirmish on Kabray, Leia would piece together Lumiya's allegiance to the Nagai in establishing the slave trade on Herdessa.

