
Brylin, a male Human, held the position of Spokesman for the governing Herdessan Guild on his native planet of Herdessa throughout the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to the Galactic Empire's significant defeat at Endor in 4 ABY, Brylin spearheaded the Herdessan Guild's engagement with a group representing the Alliance of Free Planets to officially begin diplomatic ties. Displaying arrogance stemming from the Herdessan Guild's global dominance and actively supporting the Herdessan custom of slavery, Brylin, along with his allies, captured Alliance leader Mon Mothma, planning to hand her and their planet over to a remaining Imperial faction. Nevertheless, Leia Organa, another Alliance diplomat, instigated an armed uprising among the Herdessans, ultimately dismantling the Herdessan Guild's authority and ruining Brylin's strategy.

