The Herdessan Guild held dominion over the Mid Rim world of Herdessa during the Galactic Civil War period. This organization, infamous for its cruelty and extravagance, exploited the planet's underprivileged. In 4 ABY, the Guild initiated a profitable slaving enterprise, unwittingly contributing to a Nagai strategy aimed at inciting widespread disorder and turmoil across the galaxy in anticipation of a planned invasion. Nevertheless, Alliance of Free Planets leader Leia Organa, collaborating with a widely supported resistance movement, overthrew the Herdessan Guild, thereby ceasing their slaving activities.
The governing authority of the planet Herdessa, situated along the Corellian Run within the Mid Rim, was the Herdessan Guild. Initially chosen by the people of Herdessa to govern, the Guild later exerted control over the lower classes through a thriving slave market established during the Galactic Civil War. The Guild of that era eagerly engaged in this practice, using slaves to curry favor with visiting dignitaries. Among the general populace of Herdessa, the Guild became synonymous with excess and exploitation, and their security forces were occasionally unleashed in violent raids against rebellious factions.

The Herdessan Guild became peripherally involved in the prelude to the Nagai–Tof War in 4 ABY. During this time, the obscure Nagai species originating from the dwarf galaxy Firefist attempted an invasion of the galaxy, capitalizing on the instability following the Galactic Empire's devastating defeat at Endor. The Nagai deployed Lumiya, a Human cyborg who had previously served the Empire as a double agent within the Rebel Alliance, to Herdessa as part of their strategy to instigate chaos before their main assault. Lumiya successfully gained the trust of the Herdessan Guild, who appointed her as their chief of security. She then assisted the Guild in establishing a profitable slaving operation, with remnants of the Empire as a primary customer.
The Herdessan Guild's notoriety for exploitation fueled a rebellion among the planet's lower classes, spearheaded by a young woman named Suzu. Later in 4 ABY, the Herdessan Guild—then led by Spokesman Brylin—received a delegation from the newly established Alliance of Free Planets, who had traveled to Herdessa to formalize diplomatic relations. However, Brylin and his inner circle instead plotted to seize the Alliance diplomats as hostages and sell them to the Empire. To this end, they captured prominent Alliance leader Mon Mothma, among others. Leia Organa, a member of the delegation, escaped the Guild's clutches and joined forces with Suzu's revolution, assembling a fighting force to attack the Guild as they attempted to deliver the captives to the Empire. Their resistance ignited a widespread revolt that toppled the Herdessan Guild and brought an end to the slave trade on Herdessa. However, Lumiya's involvement in the Nagai conspiracy remained undiscovered.
The Herdessan Guild made its debut in Star Wars (1977) 88, penned by Mary Jo Duffy, illustrated by Tom Palmer, and released in 1984.