
Suzu, originating from Herdessa, was a Human female who spearheaded a significant lower-class uprising. This revolution successfully overthrew the dominance of the Herdessan Guild on her homeworld in 4 ABY. A passionate champion of freedom, Suzu harbored intense animosity towards the corrupt slavers forming Herdessa's elite. She, along with her partner Finn, was present during the arrival of an Alliance of Free Planets delegation on Herdessa, intended for formal diplomatic discussions. In a defiant act, Suzu threw mud, striking Alliance leader Leia Organa directly.

Consequently, Suzu and Finn became targets of the Herdessan security services, commanded by the cyborg [Lumiya]. Finn was apprehended, and Suzu avoided capture solely due to Organa's explicit intervention. Organa accompanied Suzu back to the rebel base, where Suzu enlightened her about her people's suffering, thereby securing Organa's support for their cause. Subsequently, Suzu and Organa jointly commanded the rebel forces, successfully dismantling the Guild's power through a bold assault on a slave exchange involving remnants of the Galactic Empire. This operation liberated numerous prisoners, including Finn and Alliance diplomat Mon Mothma.

