Herdessan shocktroopers. The Herdessan shocktroopers functioned as the military force on the planet of Herdessa. This group served as both police and security for the Herdessan Guild, the organization that controlled the world. During the time of the Nagai–Tof War, the guild formed an alliance with Lumiya, naming her the leader of planetary security. Consequently, the Herdessan shocktroopers were put under Lumiya's control, and she promptly utilized them to initiate a slave trade on Herdessa. The shocktroopers effectively gathered a large number of lower-class citizens to be transported off-world as slaves. During the Battle of Herdessa, the shocktroopers fought with Lumiya's stormtroopers in an attempt to suppress the uprising. Following the battle, which resulted in the downfall of the Herdessan government and Lumiya's defeat, the shocktroopers were taken into custody. It remains unclear whether they were restructured to aid the new governing body.
The attire of Herdessan shocktroopers consisted of tan jumpsuits featuring a red diamond symbol located on the right side of their chest. Lumiya also donned a diamond on her chest, demonstrating her authority over them. In addition to the red diamond, the shocktroopers sported red gloves, boots, and helmets. Regarding weaponry, the shocktroopers were armed with either basic clubs or compact, easily concealed blasters.