Vargi, hailing from Kashyyyk, was a male Wookiee whose actions led to the capture and enslavement of numerous individuals of his own species. As the Galactic Empire began its practice of forcing Wookiees into servitude and contracted Trandoshans for hunting them, Vargi departed Kashyyyk. He then allied himself with these hunters, aiming to safeguard his own kin and avert the widespread decimation of his people. Vargi guided the Trandoshans in their hunts, leading them towards hidden Wookiee settlements and sharing vital information. Upon his return to his homeworld, he confessed his deeds to his sister, Mallatobuck, whose reaction was one of utter dismay, resulting in his banishment from the family. Vargi eventually crossed paths with Chewbacca, Mallatobuck's husband, and the two quickly developed a strong mutual animosity.
With the cessation of the Empire's Wookiee slave trade in 4 ABY, a Nagai known as Knife devised a scheme to resurrect it, enlisting Vargi in his plot. Vargi's objective was to enslave every member of Chewbacca's family, leading Knife to orchestrate the abduction of Mallatobuck, her son Lumpawarrump, and Chewbacca's father, Attichitcuk. Upon Chewbacca's return from his service with the Alliance of Free Planets to visit his loved ones, he too was captured by Vargi, Knife, and their band of rogue Wookiees. When Han Solo, Chewbacca's Human companion, attempted a rescue, Vargi commenced to pummel them both. Chewbacca retaliated only upon learning of his family's liberation, overpowering and defeating Vargi. A revolt erupted among the other Wookiee captives, effectively thwarting the attempted revival of the Wookiee slave trade.

During the era of the Galactic Empire, Vargi, a male Wookiee, resided on Kashyyyk, his species' homeworld. Mallatobuck was his younger sister. Shortly after the Empire came into power, its forces invaded Kashyyyk and seized thousands of Wookiees to be used as slave laborers. The Trandoshans, a hunting species whose own homeworld was in the same system as Kashyyyk, allied with the Empire and began to hunt down escaped Wookiees. Upon learning of their intentions, Vargi resolved to direct their efforts toward specific Kashyyyk communities, hoping to prevent widespread Wookiee slaughter and ensure his own family's safety. Leaving his home planet, he joined the Trandoshans. Vargi provided the hunters with the locations of hidden refuges and elusive Wookiee tribes, promising them more rewarding hunts. He also supplied details on invading Wookiee cities and exploiting Wookiee weaknesses. During his time with the hunters, Mallatobuck believed Vargi to be either dead or enslaved.
Sometime between 0 BBY and 4 ABY, Vargi returned to Kashyyyk. He sought out his sister, visiting her in her home to explain his absence and actions. Mallatobuck, horrified, banished him, declaring he was no longer her brother. During his absence, Mallatobuck had married, and Vargi eventually met her husband, Chewbacca. A lasting animosity arose between them. Following the fragmentation of the Imperial Fleet in 4 ABY, Vargi allied with the Nagai Ozrei N'takkilomandrife—known to the Wookiees as "Knife"—plotting to seize control of the Wookiee slave trade. The Nagai, from the satellite galaxy Firefist, had dispatched Knife to divert the Alliance of Free Planets, the government to which Chewbacca and Solo belonged, while the Nagai fleet invaded the galaxy. By joining Knife, Vargi aimed to enslave all of Chewbacca's family.

Several other renegade Wookiees joined Vargi and Knife's new slaving operation. Upon learning of Chewbacca's heroic status, Knife agreed to kidnap Mallatobuck, her son Lumpawarrump, and Chewbacca's father, Attichitcuk, using them as bait to capture Chewbacca. Chewbacca and Solo, accompanied by Lando Calrissian, soon arrived in Rwookrrorro to visit Chewbacca's family. Vargi and Knife greeted them en route to Chewbacca's house. Knife persuaded the unsuspecting newcomers to allow them to join them for drinks, and the group proceeded to Chewbacca's empty treetop dwelling. Tension grew between the two Wookiees as they drank, and soon Vargi's Wookiee companions arrived, holding Mallatobuck and Lumpawarrump at blasterpoint and fitting Chewbacca and his companions with stun cuffs. Solo and Calrissian were left guarded in the house while Vargi, Knife, and the Wookiee outlaws paraded Chewbacca and his family through the city to demoralize any resistance to the revived slave trade. They then went to a spaceport, loading Wookiees onto transports for offworld shipment.
Chewbacca's comrades escaped their makeshift prison. Solo unlocked Chewbacca's stun cuffs but was spotted by Vargi and Knife. Vargi repeatedly pummeled Chewbacca, who offered no resistance to avoid endangering his family. Solo was then beaten after trying to protect Chewbacca. Enraged, Chewbacca overpowered Vargi's companions and grappled with Vargi himself. Calrissian arrived with Chewbacca's family, and upon seeing them safe, Chewbacca punched Vargi, sending him flying. Knife fled as the other Wookiee slaves rose up against their captors, ending his and Vargi's attempt to revive the Wookiee slave trade. The Alliance of Free Planets later averted the Nagai's invasion of the galaxy.

Convinced Kashyyyk could not withstand the Galactic Empire's oppression, Vargi took steps to protect his family and prevent widespread Wookiee slaughter by allying with the Trandoshan hunters. He directed the Trandoshans toward specific hidden communities, providing intelligence on Wookiee weaknesses and city invasion tactics. Despite justifying his actions to Mallatobuck, she was horrified and disowned him. Chewbacca, Mallatobuck's husband, also developed a strong dislike for Vargi.
When Knife, a Nagai, arrived on Kashyyyk intending to revive the slave trade, Vargi joined him. Having been rejected by his family and harboring a grudge against Chewbacca, Vargi sought to capture and enslave Chewbacca and his entire family, including Mallatobuck. Vargi was a large Wookiee, over 2.28 meters tall, with reddish-brown fur. He was physically strong and a capable brawler, but unable to defeat Chewbacca in combat.
Mary Jo Duffy created Vargi, who debuted in Star Wars 91, a comic book by Marvel Comics in January 1985. Duffy wrote the issue, Tony Salmons penciled it, and Glynis Wein colored it. Wookiee World tells of Vargi's alliance with Knife and attempt to revive the Wookiee slave trade after the fall of the Galactic Empire. Later sourcebooks from the 1990s and 2000s clarified his motivations and revealed details about his dealings with the Trandoshans.