The Maccabree represented a sapient species of extra-galactic origin, classified as non-humanoid, and originating from a planet located within the satellite galaxy known as Companion Besh. From a biological perspective, the Maccabree were tentacled cephalopods, their survival intrinsically linked to the particular atmospheric conditions of their home planet. Known for their warlike tendencies, frequently engaging in internal conflicts, they encountered an external threat in the form of the Tof, who invaded their world, subjecting the Maccabree to capture and experimentation. Though the Tof eventually departed, the Maccabree sought refuge in the caves that had historically sheltered their forebears.
In later years, the Maccabree formed alliances with both the Nagai and the Faruun, each sharing similar predicaments. To facilitate their departure from their native world, the technologically sophisticated Faruun engineered cybernetic, humanoid battlesuits tailored for the Maccabree. These suits, featuring heavily armored torsos, incorporated a decoy "head," intentionally designed to serve as an easily targeted, yet inconsequential, point for enemy blaster fire. The Maccabree subsequently joined the Nagai in a campaign to invade known space, initially encountering the Alliance of Free Planets during the Second Battle of Endor. In situations necessitating retreat, Maccabree combatants could launch their suits skyward, discarding detachable limbs, a tactic employed during the Nagai-Maccabree retreat from Endor.
Subsequently, Maccabree warriors successfully overwhelmed an Alliance outpost situated on Saijo, thereby enabling themselves and their allies to seize control of the planet. During the Battle of Zeltros, a number of Maccabree met their end at the hands of invading Tof pirates. Nevertheless, in alliance with the Alliance and the Hiromi Empire, they retaliated, ultimately securing victory over the Tof forces.