Skirmish on Kinooine

Several clashes occurred on Kinooine, events which were set in motion by the abduction and murder of a reconnaissance team dispatched to the planet by Commander Luke Skywalker of the Alliance of Free Planets. The perpetrator was Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith. Noticing their disappearance, Skywalker, accompanied by pilots Kiro and the Zeltron female Dani, journeyed to Kinooine to locate them. Upon their arrival, Lumiya launched a fierce assault on Kiro and Dani, capturing the Zeltron and leaving her companion near death. Skywalker rescued Kiro before setting out to find Lumiya. He found her and engaged her in a duel, resulting in his capture and imprisonment in Lumiya's underground base. Meanwhile, the Dark Lady proceeded with the final arrangements for the arrival of the Nagai invasion fleet, with the intention of crushing the rebellion once and for all.

Kiro infiltrated Lumiya's base during her absence, killing a Nagai warrior in the process and freeing Luke Skywalker. Together, they confronted Lumiya, who anticipated another victory over Skywalker. However, she was unprepared for the Jedi's use of two lightsabers—one long and one short—and was defeated. Her armor was removed, revealing her identity as former Imperial Intelligence agent Shira Elan Colla Brie. The Nagai fleet's arrival forced Skywalker and Kiro to take Lumiya into custody and expedite their plan to rescue Dani from Lumiya's lair. They succeeded, but not without loss; Kiro perished in combat with Lumiya's Nagai associate Den Siva. With the invaders rapidly spreading across Kinooine, Luke Skywalker and Dani were compelled to abandon Lumiya and flee the planet, also leaving behind Kiro—presumed dead.


In the initial stages of their incursion into known space, the extra-galactic Nagai species selected the desolate planet Kinooine as the staging area for their invasion of the galaxy. Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya pledged her allegiance to the Nagai and met with their representative, Den Siva, on Kinooine. Together, they fortified a concealed underground operational base, preparing for the arrival of the main invasion fleet. The sudden increase in activity on the previously deserted Outer Rim world attracted the attention of Jedi Knight and Alliance of Free Planets Commander Luke Skywalker, who dispatched a twenty-member scouting party to investigate. Lumiya and Siva intercepted the party upon arrival, killing nineteen of them. Only one, a male named Faron Tolis, survived, only to endure torturous interrogation regarding the whereabouts of Alliance leader Princess Leia Organa. Tolis, lacking direct contact with Organa, couldn't provide information about her location. Instead, he revealed that Luke Skywalker, Lumiya's sworn enemy, had sent him to Kinooine.


First encounter

Luke Skywalker and Lumiya's first encounter

The failure of Tolis's team to report back raised concerns for Commander Skywalker, prompting his own investigation. He traveled to Kinooine with the Chuhkyvi Kiro and his Zeltron lover Dani, landing their starship near a water source where they established camp. Lumiya, aware of their arrival, observed Kiro and Dani during their initial exploration before launching a violent attack with her lightwhip. The repeated strikes overwhelmed the pair, knocking the Zeltron unconscious and destroying Kiro's aquatic respiration device. The Sith Lady captured Dani, while Kiro—left for dead—managed to return to camp, where Luke Skywalker found and rescued him. The commander learned of Dani's abduction while treating Kiro's injuries and, once certain of his recovery, left the Chuhkyvi to find his unknown attacker.

Skywalker discovered the cyborg woman awaiting him on a hilltop. They silently assessed each other, preparing their weapons for battle. The Jedi had never encountered a lightwhip-wielding opponent before, and Lumiya repeatedly struck him, ultimately disarming and defeating him. Skywalker recovered and re-engaged the lone Sith, but when she revealed her weapon's unique combination of energy beams and metal-studded leather tendrils, he was rendered defenseless and knocked unconscious. Instead of killing him, the Dark Lady captured Skywalker and imprisoned him in her underground stronghold. Den Siva, awaiting her return, congratulated Lumiya on her victory but cautioned that Skywalker might be prepared for her lightwhip's dual nature if given another chance—an opportunity Lumiya dismissed. Siva also informed her of events on Kabray, where Princess Organa and several Zeltrons defeated thirteen Nagai warriors. Consequently, Siva requested permission to examine the captive Zeltron Dani, hoping to learn more about her species. Lumiya granted the request while finalizing preparations for the arrival of the Nagai invasion fleet.

Kiro's mission

Kiro attempts to rescue Luke Skywalker.

Kiro, severely wounded during his encounter with Lumiya, managed to recover sufficiently by submerging himself in the water source near their camp. Anticipating his rescue mission, he modified a helmet to provide a constant flow of fresh water for breathing. He then gathered his short sword and Stinger hand-blaster and set out to find Dani and Luke Skywalker. Kiro located the entrance to the underground stronghold but was briefly delayed by patrolling Nagai warriors. He startled one, named Mendo, with a diversion before attacking and killing him with his sword. He took cover as two additional soldiers, Rei and Taru, returned from a failed search for the camp and starship. Kiro sneaked into the stronghold behind them and quickly found Commander Skywalker. Kiro revived Skywalker and used his Stinger to blow open the cell door. He then tended to Skywalker's wounds while discussing plans to rescue Dani. However, Skywalker insisted on dealing with Lumiya first. He used parts from Kiro's Stinger to create a short bladed-lightsaber, which, upon retrieving his original weapon, he planned to use against her lightwhip's dual nature.


Lumiya is beaten in a rematch with Luke Skywalker.

Skywalker and Kiro found Lumiya on a precipice in Kinooine's barren wastes. Luke surprised her by using the Force to summon his [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber-legends] from her side, revealing that he also wielded a shoto with a shorter blade. The dual blades countered her lightwhip's two forms, which had overwhelmed Skywalker in their initial encounter. In their first duel, Lumiya had refrained from killing Skywalker, content with defeating him. Now, she refused to let him interfere further and, igniting her lightwhip, declared that his death would be more satisfying than his escape. Their rematch began differently, with Lumiya flailing her whip's strands to overwhelm Skywalker. The Jedi used his longer lightsaber to entangle the whip's extensions and the shoto to cut them away. He repeated this until Lumiya ensnared the longer blade within her whip's energy strands, at which point Skywalker destroyed the beam with the shoto, freeing both his green-bladed lightsaber and the hilt of Lumiya's whip. With the cyborg weaponless, Skywalker attacked with his short blade. Lumiya was quickly defeated and stripped of most of her armor, revealing her true identity as Shira Brie. The Nagai invasion fleet arrived soon after, forcing Skywalker and Kiro to take the Sith Lady prisoner and go into hiding.

Dani's rescue

Faron Tolis, also imprisoned by Lumiya and the Nagai, attempted to free Dani but was killed by Den Siva. As the invasion force spread across Kinooine, Commander Skywalker and Kiro encountered several Nagai warriors. Fighting erupted after Skywalker's failed attempt to persuade the Nagai to withdraw.


While Luke and Dani escaped, Kiro's loss deeply affected them. However, the information Luke obtained proved crucial to the Alliance, providing key insights into the Nagai's plans and capabilities.

