The Chuhkyvi were a species that breathed water, originally from Aquaris. After a natural catastrophe, a kind species moved them to Iskalon, where they integrated into the Iskalonian academy. While they learned the standard Iskalonian tongue, they also maintained their original language.
Physically, they resembled the Inleshat, but they were more similar to Humans; they were the most humanoid species on Iskalon. They possessed tan skin and four fingers, unlike the Inleshat, who had three. Their eyes were yellow, and their noses were more defined than the Inleshat's, granting them a strong sense of smell. Similar to the Inleshat, their eyesight was weak outside of water, but they had exceptional hearing thanks to their long, pointed ears. Without a water tank, they could not survive for more than an hour outside of water. Their bodies were stocky and muscular. Among the School's members, only the Chuhkyvi desired to venture beyond their planet and explore the cosmos. They were a deeply spiritual and moral people, always willing to fight for what they believed was right.
Kiro, a hero of Iskalon and a founding figure of the Alliance of Free Planets, was a notable Chuhkyvi. He also trained as a Jedi at one point in his life.