
Kiro, an individual of the Chuhkyvi species, hailed from the planet Iskalon. He distinguished himself as one of the few Iskalonians to venture beyond his homeworld, accompanying Luke Skywalker on numerous expeditions. Working alongside Skywalker and the Alliance of Free Planets, Kiro played a crucial role in establishing the new government following the Galactic Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor. Kiro's contributions included the destruction of the Shawken Device and the successful recruitment of the Core World of Shawken into the Alliance. During these travels, Kiro discovered his Force-sensitivity and requested Skywalker to train him as a Jedi Knight. However, Skywalker, fearing the potential creation of another Darth Vader, declined Kiro's request, leading the Iskalonian into a temporary state of dejection.

After overcoming his disappointment regarding Skywalker's refusal, Kiro persisted in his collaboration with the Alliance, eventually developing a romantic relationship with the Zeltron named Dani. As Kiro continued his work with Skywalker, the Alliance became involved in the Nagai-Tof War. During a reconnaissance mission to Kinooine alongside Dani and Skywalker, Kiro was among the first Alliance operatives to encounter the Nagai and their ally, the Dark Lady Lumiya. Kiro's actions against the Nagai, as well as his rescue of Skywalker from Lumiya's grasp, ultimately persuaded Skywalker to train Kiro in the Force, thereby making the Iskalonian his inaugural official apprentice. However, Kiro disappeared during a subsequent conflict and decided to abandon his Jedi aspirations. He eventually made his way back to Iskalon to protect his people from the Nagai threat.


Early life

Born on Iskalon, Kiro was a member of the School, a global organization uniting the diverse aquatic species that comprised the Iskalonians. Kiro was renowned as a formidable warrior, engaging the perilous Chiaki in the depths of his water-covered planet. In these battles, Kiro skillfully wielded a primitive sword. He was a staunch supporter of Primor, the leader of the School and, by extension, all of Iskalon. Under Primor's guidance, the School aimed to integrate itself into galactic politics. Iskalonian delegates were dispatched to Gamandar to negotiate a truce with the Galactic Empire after the Imperial Navy had subdued several worlds within the system. However, the Empire murdered the Iskalonian representatives. This act of brutality shocked Kiro, solidifying his support for rebellion against the galactic government.

Many members of the School, including Primor, shared Kiro's animosity towards the Empire. Fearing the Empire's intentions, Primor initiated talks with the Rebel Alliance. Representatives Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca were sent to Iskalon to explore a potential alliance with the School. The Rebels were also searching for their comrade, Tay Vanis, hoping the School could assist, given their prior familiarity with Vanis. Kiro was eager to fight the Empire and hoped for a successful alliance between the School and the Rebellion.

While awaiting a final decision on a possible alliance, Kiro inadvertently overheard a fellow Iskalonian named Kendle betraying the location of Rebel Alliance members to Imperial Admiral Griggor Tower. Enraged that one of his own was aiding the Empire, Kiro smashed Kendle's water helmet, effectively leaving her to die. Due to the Iskalonians' need for a water atmosphere, they were forced to wear rebreather suits while on land. Depriving Kendle of her suit was nearly a death sentence, but Kiro had also damaged his suit during the struggle and was forced to retreat before finishing the job. While Kendle struggled to get to water, an Imperial missile struck the planet, creating a monstrous tidal wave that threatened to destroy the underwater city of Pavillion. The enormous wave struck the city with tremendous force, submerging the entire area and inadvertently saving Kendle from certain death.

Hunting a traitor

Kiro, incensed by Kendle's escape, vowed to track her down. In his pursuit, he encountered Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. Unaware of Kendle's betrayal, the Rebels had been attempting to rescue her before the tidal wave struck. Submerged in the water and disoriented, they had followed Kendle, believing she was leading them to safety. However, Kendle was leading them to their demise by drowning. Kiro intervened, driving Kendle away, but the Rebels, still unaware of her treachery, prevented him from finishing her off. Unable to communicate effectively underwater, Kiro led the group to the surface, continuing his search for Kendle.

Once on the surface, Kiro surveyed the wreckage with the others. Pavillion was completely destroyed, and Primor had perished in the tidal wave. Kendle approached the destroyed city to pay her respects, but Kiro once again attempted to kill her. To avoid death, Kendle fled into the water. Organa and Skywalker, still confused by Kiro's actions, stopped him from pursuing her. Kiro quickly explained the situation, recounting how he had overheard Kendle betraying the Rebels' location to the Empire. The delay allowed Kendle to escape again, leaving the group without a clear course of action.

Kiro, Skywalker, and Organa decided to initiate a clean-up effort, tending to the wounded and recovering the dead throughout the night. Their task was complicated by the roaming Chiaki, drawn to the carnage. Kiro, Skywalker, and Organa were forced to fight the monstrous sea serpents as they tried to feed on the helpless wounded. Skywalker was determined to confront the Chiaki and prevent further loss of life, but Kiro stopped him, arguing that stopping the Chiaki would be as futile as stopping the tide.

Kiro receives his well-known scar during a battle on Iskalon.

As the Rebels' recovery operation progressed, Kendle unexpectedly returned. This time, however, she intended more than just escape, gathering a group of Iskalonians and several stranded seatroopers, and accusing the Rebels of causing the tidal wave. Led by Kendle, the angry mob prepared to kill Kiro and the two Rebels. Badly outnumbered, Kiro's helmet was struck by a blaster bolt, causing him to suffocate. The blaster shot cut into Kiro's face, leaving a distinguishing scar that ran between his eyes and across the length of his face. To save Kiro, Skywalker and Organa forced him into the water. Simultaneously, a dangerous Chiaki prepared to attack the helpless trio. As the Chiaki lunged, the Millennium Falcon arrived to rescue their outnumbered comrades, killing the Chiaki and rescuing Kiro. The body of the dead Chiaki fell directly on Kendle, killing her instantly.

With Primor dead and Pavillion in ruins, Iskalonian society was on the verge of collapse. Primor's son, Mone, became the new leader, vowing to oppose the Empire and any other outsiders, and asked Kiro to help him rebuild the Iskalonian way of life. Kiro readily agreed, becoming the official defender of Iskalon under Mone's leadership.

Planetary leader

Under Mone's leadership, the School began to adopt a new way of life. Leaving Pavillion as a memorial, Mone declared that they would no longer interact with outsiders, and the School began to live exclusively underwater. This isolationist sentiment fostered a fierce independence, with the Iskalonians threatening and attacking visitors. Most visitors were scavengers, and Kiro developed a deep hatred for them.

Kiro, as planetary defender of Iskalon.

Following the Battle of Endor, the Alliance sent envoys to various worlds, inviting them to the First Conference of Free Peoples. Luke Skywalker was sent to Iskalon to encourage the School to send a representative. Skywalker was accompanied by Plif the Hoojib, who was acting as the spokesman for the planet Arbra. Skywalker and Plif arrived to find Rik Duel and his companions, the Rodian Chihdo, and the Zeltron Dani, scavenging from the wreckage of Pavillion. Before Skywalker could reprimand them, he was attacked by a group of Iskalonians who mistook him for another scavenger. Kiro recognized the Jedi and stopped the attack but was furious with Skywalker for associating with scavengers.

Skywalker explained his mission to invite the Iskalonians to send a representative to [Endor](/article/endor-legends], but Mone remained committed to isolation. Kiro pleaded with Mone to send a representative with Skywalker, as he was bored with his duties of guarding against outsiders. Mone refused, stating that it was not what the School wanted, and demanded that Skywalker, Duel, Chihdo, and Dani leave immediately. Skywalker respected their wishes and prepared to depart. Kiro, upset by Mone's refusal, but eager to see the galaxy, donned an ancient Iskalonian suit and asked Skywalker to take him on his journeys.

Due to limited space in Skywalker's X-wing, Kiro boarded Rik Duel's ship, the Moonshadow. As the group left Iskalon, the School emerged to watch their departure. Mone was saddened by Kiro's choice, knowing how much Iskalon would miss its defender.

Member of the Rebellion

Aboard the Moonshadow, Kiro, alongside Rik Duel's gang, followed Skywalker to his next destination. The planet Shawken, a former Imperial stronghold, was experiencing freedom after the Empire abandoned it. Continuing his campaign to gather representatives for the First Conference of Free Peoples, Skywalker arranged a meeting with the planetary leader, Santor. Kiro attended the meeting with Skywalker, while Duel and his gang chose to explore the planet's ancient catacombs.

At Santor's home, Kiro and Skywalker dined with the planetary leader, attempting to persuade him to send an envoy to the Alliance. Skywalker mentioned that Duel and his gang were essentially petty thieves. Outraged, Kiro surmised that the gang would try to steal from the catacombs and left the meeting to stop them.

Deep within the catacombs, Kiro confronted the group, who were indeed planning to steal priceless relics. Kiro's moral stance irritated the gang, and Chihdo fired his blaster at him. Although the shot missed, Kiro was appalled by Chihdo's betrayal and slammed the Rodian against a wall. This action triggered a hidden lever, activating the Shawken Device, a long-dormant superweapon.

Kiro destroys the Shawken Device.

The device's activation also trapped the group within the catacombs. Duel panicked, but Kiro assured everyone that Skywalker would rescue them. Dani was comforted by Kiro's confidence, and Kiro was ready to comfort the frightened Zeltron. Skywalker arrived and freed the group. However, the device continued its countdown, preparing to propel the planet's core into hyperspace. To destroy the weapon, someone had to reach its core. Kiro and Skywalker volunteered, and with Dani's encouragement, they followed a tunnel deep into the planet's crust.

The tunnel led to a massive underground lake. Kiro tricked Skywalker into giving him his lightsaber, knowing that as a water-breather, he had a better chance of reaching the core in time. After obtaining the lightsaber, Kiro dove into the water, urging Skywalker not to follow. Swimming deeper, Kiro reached the dark core of the machine, represented by a large glowing head. The Force showed Kiro what to do, and he smashed the saber into the glowing head, creating a large explosion just before the device activated.

Kiro was badly injured, but his unconscious body washed ashore. Skywalker brought Kiro's body back to the group, where they mourned his sacrifice. However, Plif sensed a faint life signal within the Iskalonian. The group brought Kiro to their ship and placed him in a water-filled capsule to rush him to the medical center on Endor. Medical droids tended to Kiro, eventually stabilizing him.

Trials of a Jedi

While recovering, Kiro told Skywalker how he had destroyed the superweapon. Now aware of his Force abilities, Kiro asked Skywalker to train him as a Jedi. Skywalker refused, fearing the creation of another [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker-legends], despite Kiro's protests. Kiro became depressed, isolating himself from the Jedi and associating with Duel and his gang.

Duel was a constant source of trouble, angering Alliance members with his trickery. In one incident, he won a large sum of credits from a Rebel named Crin. Crin accused him of cheating, and a firefight ensued, resulting in Chihdo being shot. Kiro urged them to stop, but only Skywalker's presence quelled the fight.

Kiro trains with Luke Skywalker on the forest moon of Endor.

Skywalker's peace-making skills made Kiro realize his anger was unwarranted. Kiro assured Skywalker that he could be patient and peaceful. Impressed, Skywalker reconsidered training him. While still concerned, Skywalker recruited Kiro into a special task force for training. Alongside Duel's gang, Kiro was trained in special fighting techniques.

The training had an unexpected side-effect. Kiro began to fall in love with Dani. Dani had been obsessed with Skywalker, but she slowly fell for Kiro's courageous spirit. When the task force left to scout Kinooine, Kiro and Dani remained on Endor to get to know each other. However, when the scouting party went missing, Kiro and Dani followed Skywalker to Kinooine to investigate.

Nagai-Tof War

On Kinooine, Skywalker allowed Kiro and Dani to scout the area. The couple encountered a mysterious woman who attacked them with a lightwhip. Kiro tried to protect Dani, but the laser tendrils damaged his rebreather suit, causing him to suffocate. Dani was captured, but Kiro escaped and made his way back to Skywalker, near death. Skywalker dragged him into the ocean, where Kiro begged him to save Dani.

Kiro fights Nagai on Kinooine.

Skywalker left Kiro to recover while he attempted a rescue. However, Lumiya defeated Skywalker and took him prisoner. Kiro recovered and, seeing that Skywalker had not returned, set out to find them. Equipping himself with a new rebreather, Kiro infiltrated Lumiya's base, killing several Nagai. He freed Skywalker but could not find Dani. Kiro's determination convinced Skywalker that he was ready to become his apprentice, and Skywalker agreed to teach him in the ways of the Force.

Kiro helped Skywalker build a shoto, using an extra power pack Kiro brought for the Stinger. Together they confronted Lumiya. With dual sabers, Skywalker defeated her, destroying her lightwhip and damaging her cyborg parts. However, the defeat of Lumiya also marked the arrival of the Nagai fleet, and Skywalker and Kiro were forced to hide their captive. As Skywalker bound Lumiya, Kiro, still concerned for Dani, left to search for her.

Kiro returned to the fortress and found Dani curled up in a catatonic state. Dani had been tortured by the Nagai Den Siva. Kiro rushed to her side, comforting her. Kiro, Dani, and Skywalker fled, but Siva attacked them. The Nagai claimed Dani was his, but Kiro refuted his claim, stating that Dani belonged to herself—and him if she so wished.

In a furious struggle, Kiro's rebreather was broken again, and the two warriors plunged into the water. As Dani and Skywalker watched, Siva stabbed Kiro in the stomach, causing blood to seep to the surface. Dani was distraught, but Skywalker dragged her away.

Necessary sacrifices

Nearly everyone assumed Kiro had died, but he recovered and made his way off-world. Eager to reunite with Dani, Kiro learned of a Nagai attack on the School. He knew he could not return to Dani while his people were in danger and returned to Iskalon. Kiro became a legend, slaughtering Nagai as they prepared to enslave the School.

Kiro fights underwater against Nagai.

As Kiro led the School against the Nagai, the Nagai-Tof War raged on. Skywalker, believing Kiro dead, returned to Iskalon to offer condolences. Along with Lando Calrissian, Skywalker found several Nagai slaughtered by an Iskalonian sword. The Jedi thought he was hallucinating when he saw Kiro swimming. However, with more sightings, Skywalker realized Kiro had survived and was overjoyed. During the Battle of Iskalon, Kiro fought alongside his friends, expelling the Nagai.

Although they had brought peace, Kiro realized the School still needed him. The slaughter made him realize Iskalon needed him, and although he wanted to see Dani, the safety of his homeworld was more important. Skywalker and Calrissian promised to keep Kiro's survival a secret and departed.

Secret revealed

As Kiro defended Iskalon, Dani became unreachable in her grief. She became bitter and pessimistic, resolving to kill all Nagai. However, during the war, the Alliance joined forces with the Nagai, and Dani was forced to set aside her hatred. At the war's end, Dani left the Alliance, succumbing to her unhappiness.

Dani returned to Zeltros, hiding from her friends. Skywalker realized how torn up Dani was, and although he had promised to keep Kiro's survival a secret, he could not bear to see her so disturbed. Skywalker contacted a group of Rebels to tell Dani of Kiro's survival. However, the circumstances surrounding this mission went undocumented.


Kiro's actions and legendary status led to a new movement within the School. As the first Iskalonian to explore the galaxy, he was seen as a new "First to Swim," inspiring others to follow. Several Iskalonians left Iskalon to interact with the galaxy. Among them were young Chuhkyvi, who became scouts, nobles, and Jedi. Following Kiro's example, these Chuhkyvi held a strict moral code and an intense hatred for dishonesty and lawlessness, emulating their idolized folk hero.

Personality and traits

Luke Skywalker sees a vision of Kiro on the forest moon of Endor.

Kiro possessed an optimistic spirit, always seeing the good in others. When those around him failed to live up to his high moral standards, Kiro reacted with intense animosity, resorting to violence to correct their transgressions if necessary. As Kiro served within the Alliance, his experiences gradually exposed him to the harsh realities of the galaxy, causing him to trade his idealism for a more practical outlook. During the Alliance's involvement in the Nagai-Tof War, Kiro suppressed his personal desires to prioritize the well-being of others, even setting aside his developing relationship with Dani, the woman he loved, to remain dedicated to protecting the School on Iskalon.

In combat, Kiro demonstrated surprising speed and a talent for stealth. He effortlessly navigated through even the skilled Nagai warriors, evading blaster fire and typically defeating enemies with close-quarters weapons. During these encounters, Kiro displayed a certain coldness, focusing his attacks to inflict maximum damage, often resulting in the deaths of his opponents. Kiro wielded both a Stinger and a short sword, favoring these weapons over more advanced technologies. However, his reliance on a rebreather suit posed a limitation on land. As an Iskalonian, he needed to wear a helmet containing a water-based atmosphere to breathe properly. In battle, Kiro had to protect his helmet from damage, as its failure would leave him vulnerable to suffocation. Kendle, Lumiya, and Den Siva all capitalized on this vulnerability, placing Kiro at a disadvantage.

Behind the scenes

Mary Jo Duffy conceived Kiro for inclusion in Marvel Star Wars' Star Wars (1977) 75. Initially, the character was presented as an adversary to the heroes, but by the conclusion of the story in Star Wars (1977) 76, it was revealed that Kiro's actions were actually intended to assist them. Following the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, Kiro resurfaced in Star Wars (1977) 82, eventually siding with Luke Skywalker and joining him on his adventures. This comic also brought back Dani, who became Kiro's romantic interest until the end of the Marvel comic series.

Kiro made several more appearances in the Marvel Star Wars comics until his apparent demise at the hands of Den Siva in Star Wars (1977) 97. Nevertheless, it was later disclosed in Star Wars (1977) 102 that Kiro had survived, but he chose to keep his survival a secret from Dani. The resolution of this secret remained unresolved due to the conclusion of the Marvel run in Star Wars (1977) 107.

Kiro remained unmentioned until Joseph Bongiorno and Rich Handley's 2000 article, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series, which identified Kiro's species as Chuhkyvi and indicated that some members of his species were inspired by his actions and became Jedi. Kiro was referenced again in 2002's Power of the Jedi Sourcebook and The New Essential Guide to Characters, which highlighted his deeds in the Marvel comics.

In 2004, Kiro was mentioned within the Wizards of the Coast online article, Zeltros: Pleasure Planet. The article detailed how Skywalker broke his promise not to reveal Kiro's survival due to Dani's emotional distress. As a roleplaying scenario, the article leaves it ambiguous whether the players who are sent to contact Dani about Kiro's survival actually find her. Kiro was referenced once again in 2007's Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force, but it did not elaborate further on his story, only alluding to his involvement in the duel between Lumiya and Skywalker on Kinooine.

