
Crin, a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, found himself stationed on Endor after the decisive battle above the forest moon. Known for his unpredictable nature, he became embroiled in a dispute with the smuggler Rik Duel, a situation that required Luke Skywalker's intervention to resolve.


After the Rebellion's victory over the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance established a base on Endor, where Crin was assigned. While participating in efforts to establish the preliminary Alliance of Free Planets, Crin joined a card game with Rik Duel, his associates, and the Iskalonian Kiro. Rik, a skilled card player, quickly won all of Crin and his fellow soldiers' money.

Despite Rik's superior skills, Crin reacted poorly to losing his money so easily. He accused Rik of cheating and demanded the return of his funds. This accusation ignited tempers, and Rik's companions had to restrain him. During a heated exchange of words, Crin threatened to kill Kiro if he interfered. Chihdo, Rik's accomplice, took offense and drew his blaster pistol on Crin, who responded in kind. Reacting faster than the Rodian criminal, Crin shot Chihdo in the side with a blaster bolt, causing him to fall from the elevated platform where the card game was being held.

This impulsive action escalated the argument, and soon everyone involved had drawn their weapons. Fortunately for Crin, Luke Skywalker, who had been observing the situation, used the Force to catch Chihdo before he hit the ground. However, the blaster bolt had seriously wounded the Rodian, causing him to lose consciousness. As the players glared at each other, Crin's fellow Rebel soldiers sided with him, declaring their unwavering loyalty despite disagreeing with his actions.

As Crin and his comrades aimed their weapons at Rik and his gang, Dani suddenly attacked Crin, pinning him to the ground. In response, Crin began firing his blaster wildly, attempting to break free from the Zeltron's grip. One of his stray shots nearly struck several people on the ground, including Leia Organa, who had been watching the altercation with Commander Skywalker. Realizing the situation was spiraling out of control, Luke used the Force to propel himself into the fray.

Crin continued to struggle against Dani, firing erratically, but Skywalker expertly used his lightsaber to deflect one of the shots back at Crin, disarming the rebel soldier. Recognizing the seriousness of his actions, Crin shoved Dani off of him and attempted to escape. However, Skywalker intercepted him, seeking to end the conflict. Faced with a lightsaber, Crin surrendered and fell to his knees.

Although Rik wanted Skywalker to execute Crin for injuring Chihdo, Kiro intervened, explaining why Skywalker had refused to train him. Kiro had been isolating himself, resentful that Luke had not accepted him as a Jedi trainee. The conflict with Crin had revealed the destructive power of bottled-up anger, and he urged everyone to avoid violence motivated by mere anger and frustration.

