Santor, a diplomat hailing from the planet Shawken, played a key role in leading Shawken's interim government. This occurred after the Galactic Empire withdrew from the world following the Battle of Endor. In 4 ABY, Santor was the host to a delegation from the Alliance of Free Planets, with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker at its head. Skywalker convinced Santor to represent his homeworld at the First Conference of Free Peoples which was held on Endor.
Santor, a Human male, was a native of the planet Shawken, which was the site of one of the galaxy's oldest civilizations. A notable politician on his homeworld, Santor became a member of the Shawken ruling council following the departure of Imperial forces from the planet in 4 ABY, shortly after the Empire's significant defeat at Endor. He subsequently headed a delegation that engaged with diplomats from the newly established Alliance of Free Planets. These diplomats had journeyed to Shawken to extend an invitation to local leaders to attend the upcoming First Conference of Free Peoples. Santor greeted the diplomats, whose leader was Jedi Knight and Rebel hero Luke Skywalker, at his residence, where he was asked to be Shawken's representative. However, their cordial meeting faced interruption due to an urgent message: some of Skywalker's traveling companions, Rik Duel, Dani and Chihdo, had become stranded while investigating Shawken's ancient catacombs. During this time, they accidentally activated the Shawken Device, a long-forgotten superweapon rumored to possess the capability to obliterate the universe. Santor escorted Skywalker and his group to the ruins, where the Iskalonian Kiro managed to deactivate the superweapon, preventing its potential effects from being unleashed upon the galaxy. After the resolution of the crisis, Santor personally represented Shawken at the First Conference of Free Peoples on Endor, where he listened to addresses from Alliance leaders such as Mon Mothma and Gial Ackbar.
Recognized as an accomplished diplomat, Santor was regarded by his peers as the most intelligent and virtuous member of the Shawkenese government. He was also a gracious and affable host to visiting dignitaries. Despite his personal opposition to Imperial rule, Santor maintained a long-term perspective on political power. He believed that Shawken's civilization, due to its great age, would endure far beyond the Empire and whatever might succeed it. Santor was deeply devoted to his homeworld and possessed extensive knowledge of its long and complex history.
Santor's initial appearance was in Star Wars 87, penned by Mary Jo Duffy, illustrated by Tom Palmer, and published in 1984.