Star Wars (1977) 82

Star Wars 82: Diplomacy constitutes the eighty-second installment within the Marvel Star Wars comic book saga.

Plot summary

Not long after the momentous Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker finds himself immersed in training exercises on the forest moon of Endor, engaging with the indigenous Ewoks, notably Wicket W. Warrick. The Ewoks launch an offensive against Skywalker, employing spears and rocks, but the youthful Jedi Knight skillfully deflects their assaults, culminating in the telekinetic elevation of Wicket. Subsequent to his training session, Skywalker is met by Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and Admiral Ackbar. Ackbar elucidates the Rebellion's strategy to establish a new governing body. He entrusts the Jedi Knight with the mission of visiting diverse planets to extend invitations to their leaders, encouraging their attendance and involvement in a planetary council. The Hoojib Plif opts to accompany Skywalker on his undertaking, and together they depart Endor aboard his X-wing starfighter.

Iskalon is the initial planet on Skywalker's itinerary, a destination he approaches with trepidation due to the devastation witnessed during his previous sojourn. Skywalker directs his course toward the ruined city of Pavillion and is taken aback to observe a starship having landed amidst the debris. Skywalker touches down near the vessel and commences an investigation, seeking any indication of the Iskalonians. However, the ship is actually under the ownership of Rik Duel, and Skywalker is immediately ambushed by Dani, a Zeltron whom Skywalker had encountered at an earlier time. The woman is overwhelmingly enamored with Skywalker, and Luke is compelled to rebuff her amorous gestures. Through dialogue with Duel and Chihdo, Skywalker discovers that the Moonshadow's presence on Iskalon is for the purpose of salvaging wreckage resulting from the Empire's assault. Skywalker and Plif are disgusted by Duel's methods, and they attempt to persuade him to abandon the planet and its resources. Nevertheless, Duel remains steadfast, asserting that this represents the most lucrative scheme he has ever devised. During their exchange, a Chiaki emerges from the water and launches an attack on the salvagers. Skywalker manages to repel the creature, but Plif discerns the Chiaki's thoughts before it retreats into the ocean. The monster had been lured to the surface by the Iskalonians, who were incensed by the intrusion of "airbreathers" onto their world.

Skywalker detects an imminent assault and shoves the Rik Duel crew out of harm's way. The Iskalonians ascend from the sea, outfitted with water tanks, but are confronted directly by Skywalker, who exerts every effort to thwart the attack without resorting to lethal force. Before the Iskalonians can escalate their offensive, they are intercepted by Kiro, who recognizes Skywalker. Kiro questions his comrade's rationale for aiding the Rik Duel gang, whom he characterizes as callous scavengers. Skywalker maintains that he arrived solely as a diplomat to engage in discussions with the School's leader and expresses his equal disappointment in the Rik Duel gang's actions. Mone, the leader of the School, materializes before Skywalker but promptly requests that he depart Iskalon. Despite the Empire's defeat at Endor, Mone and the School remain wary of trusting outsiders and desire no interaction with them. Luke is disheartened by Mone's response but acquiesces to leave. As Skywalker instructs Rik Duel and his associates to depart as well, Kiro engages in conversation with Mone, endeavoring to convince him to dispatch a representative to the Alliance. However, Mone refuses, asserting that the School is unable to send anyone, and should anyone depart, they cannot represent the Iskalonians.

Notwithstanding Mone's directive, Kiro resolves to implore Luke to take him along, having grown weary of his position on the planet. Equipping himself with a high-impact water tank suit, Kiro prepares to leave Iskalon. Due to limited space aboard his X-wing, Kiro is compelled to board the Moonshadow instead. As the group departs Iskalon, the School observes with incredulity, unable to comprehend Kiro's choice to abandon the world. As an Iskalonian inquires of Mone whether Kiro will miss his home, Mone retorts that Kiro will miss it no more than the School will miss him.

