The seventy-fourth installment of the Marvel Star Wars comic book series is titled Star Wars 74: The Iskalon Effect. You can find more information about the series here.
Following their adventure on Lahsbane as depicted in the previous issue, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are dispatched to the planet of Iskalon. Their mission is to locate Tay Vanis, Yom Argo's missing associate. Leia expresses her frustration at the detour from their search for Han Solo, but Luke reassures her that Alliance High Command has other teams dedicated to that task. The group descends into the underwater city of Pavillion and meets Primor, the leader of the School, along with his son, Mone, and Mone's wife, Kendle. During their inquiries about Tay Vanis's whereabouts, Kendle mentions Vanis's droid, K-3PX, which supposedly holds all the information Vanis gathered about the Empire's secret schemes. The droid was last seen at the Gamandar Citadel, a massive structure built by the Empire on the planet. The Rebels decide to divide their forces: Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 will head to Gamandar to search for the droid, while Leia and Luke will remain on Iskalon due to the risk of being recognized. Despite his father and wife's objections, Mone decides to accompany Lando's team.
As the Millennium Falcon takes off from Iskalon, Primor decides to entertain Luke and Leia by providing them with rebreathers and showcasing the beauty of his world. Primor teaches Luke how to swim and introduces them to the Iskalonians' primary weapon, the Stinger. While Primor leads the two Rebels to Tay Vanis's favorite grottoes, Luke notices a struggle occurring within Pavillion. Approaching the city's windows, they witness Kendle lying on the floor, suffocating with her water tank shattered. Luke rushes to the surface to enter the city and rescue the struggling woman. Meanwhile, on Gamandar, Admiral Griggor Tower receives information from his spy on Iskalon. In an attempt to eliminate the Rebels, Tower launches an interplanetary missile towards Pavillion. The Millennium Falcon narrowly avoids the missile but continues its journey towards Gamandar. Back on Iskalon, Luke and Leia reach Kendle but fear it may be too late to save her by returning her to the water. However, the missile strikes the planet near Pavillion, creating a massive tidal wave that crashes into Pavillion and floods the city.