Unidentified Imperial spy (Iskalon)

This Imperial operative functioned as a spy under the direction of Admiral Griggor Tower. He was stationed on the planet Iskalon to acquire intelligence, which he then relayed back to the Gamandar Citadel located on Iskalon's sister planet. In 3 ABY, the spy's fortune turned when he encountered the Rebel heroes Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca, who happened to be visiting Iskalon. The spy shadowed the group as they convened with the Iskalonian leader, Primor, discovering their objectives. The Rebels were present on the world to locate Tay Vanis and had resolved to divide their forces to conduct searches on both Iskalon and Gamandar.

Having compiled a substantial amount of intelligence, the spy communicated with Tower, who made the decision to launch a missile towards Iskalon, hoping to eliminate the Rebel heroes. The spy received orders to evacuate to avoid the impending devastation, and he boarded a small shuttle following his transmission. Upon reaching the midpoint between Gamandar and Iskalon, the agent signaled that he was safe. Tower then immediately launched the missile, which impacted the planet and generated a massive tidal wave, resulting in the destruction of the city of Pavillion.

However, a number of the Rebels had already departed the planet, heading towards Gamandar. Lando Calrissian, adopting a disguise and a false identity, made contact with Admiral Tower, aiming to extract additional information regarding Tay Vanis. Tower, anticipating the ruse, tasked his spy with observing the meeting to identify the Rebels. At the conclusion of the meeting, the spy verified that they were indeed the same Rebels he had previously identified on Iskalon, which subsequently led to their apprehension and imprisonment.

