
Gamandar, a planet located in the Mid Rim's Iskalon system, was regarded as the counterpart planet to Iskalon, a neighboring waterworld. This was the original homeworld of a sentient species of humanoid beings known as the Gamandars. During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire brutally conquered Gamandar, enslaving its inhabitants. Subsequently, Admiral Griggor Tower made the system his operational hub, constructing a huge citadel on Gamandar.


Situated within the Iskalon system of the Mid Rim, Gamandar was a rocky world and one of the three habitable planets in its star system, along with its "twin" Iskalon, and Telfrey. The sentient species residing on Gamandar shared the same name as their planet. They were humanoids with red skin. The Imperial occupation resulted in the near-total destruction of Gamandar's ecosystem, with machinery callously replacing anything natural.


During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Gamandar became a key point of conflict as the Imperial forces sought to dominate the Iskalon system. Admiral Griggor Tower led forces that seized control of the planet, enslaving the local population. He also occupied Iskalon and ordered the bombardment of Telfrey. Following these actions, Tower erected a massive citadel, which served as his base of operations for governing the system. The Gamandar people were captured and transported off-world to perform forced labor, and the planet's environment was devastated to the point that some Iskalonian visitors found it almost unrecognizable. In 3 ABY, Tower, operating from Gamandar, launched a missile attack that initiated the Iskalon effect, a massive tidal surge that ravaged Iskalonian society. This attack was prompted by the discovery that Gamandar's sister world was sheltering a Rebel cell. Among these Rebels was Luke Skywalker, a high-priority target for the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Vader subsequently ordered Tower's death for endangering Skywalker's life.

Behind the scenes

Gamandar was featured as a location in three issues of the original Marvel Star Wars comic book series in 1983, with Mary Jo Duffy as the writer and Ron Frenz as the illustrator.

