Griggor Tower

Griggor Tower was a male Human Imperial Admiral who, during the Galactic Civil War, spearheaded the conquest of the Iskalon system. Under Tower's leadership, Imperial forces transformed Telfrey into an uninhabitable wasteland and forced the inhabitants of Gamandar into slavery, subsequently choosing that world as his base of operations. In 3 ABY, after uncovering that the Iskalonian School was providing refuge to a group of Rebel operatives, including Luke Skywalker, Tower unleashed a devastating tidal wave upon nearby Iskalon. Darth Vader, the Sith Lord—angered by Tower's actions that jeopardized Skywalker's life, as he desired the Rebel alive for his own purposes—decreed the Admiral's death.


During the Galactic Civil War, Griggor Tower, a male Human, ascended to the high-ranking position of Admiral within the Imperial Navy. Tower spearheaded a surge of Imperial activity within the Iskalon system, attracting the attention of the Rebel Alliance. Tower responded to the growing resistance with a brutal campaign of subjugation, occupying the aquatic planet of Iskalon, enslaving the population of the adjacent planet Gamandar—which became the location of his citadel—and rendering Telfrey, the homeworld of Rebel instigators Yom Argo and Tay Vanis, uninhabitable. Following the destruction of Telfrey, the aquatic species from the Iskalonian School dispatched ambassadors to Gamandar to negotiate with Tower—the Admiral shattered their aquatic containment and left them to die, declaring that this was the only peace their diplomatic efforts would achieve. Nevertheless, the Iskalonians continued to vex Tower. After further analyzing a statement made by one of the Iskalonian ambassadors, Tower initiated research into the "Iskalon effect," the theory that a planet-wide tidal surge on Iskalon could be initiated by a single, significant impact.

Griggor Tower in his citadel on Gamandar.

Eventually, Tower discovered a justification to trigger the Iskalon effect. In 3 ABY, a contingent of Rebel agents arrived on Iskalon to investigate Vanis's whereabouts, and several of them—led by Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca—acted on information from an Iskalonian named Kendle to search Gamandar further. Unbeknownst to the Rebels, Kendle was an informant for Tower, who alerted the Admiral to the Rebels' presence. Upon receiving confirmation that the Rebel vessel was more than halfway between Iskalon and Gamandar, Tower authorized the launch of a missile that triggered the Iskalon effect, devastating Iskalonian society, including the obliteration of the planet's primary settlement, Pavillion, and the demise of the School's ruling Primor. Shortly thereafter, Tower entertained Calrissian—disguised as a smuggler known as "Drebble"—at his citadel, as the Rebels sought information regarding Vanis. Recognizing their true identities, Tower promptly imprisoned them.

However, Tower committed a critical error in judgment. Luke Skywalker, the hero of the Battle of Yavin, a highly prized target of the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was among the Rebels left behind on Iskalon during the tidal wave. Vader was enraged upon learning that Tower had put Skywalker's life at risk and swiftly moved to administer punishment. Tower was interrogating the captured Rebels for information on Vanis when he was interrupted by K-3PX, a protocol droid assigned to the citadel who was secretly under Vader's command—K-3PX, accompanied by a squad of stomtroopers, informed Tower that he was under arrest by Vader's decree. A disheveled Tower was presented before Vader via hologram, and despite the discovery of survivors in the ruins of Pavillion, Vader ordered Tower's immediate execution.

Personality and traits

Griggor Tower, a one-eyed male Human—his missing eye was replaced by a distinctive red prosthetic—exercised ruthless and violent methods in his subjugation and oppression of the Iskalon system. Tower harbored complete disdain for the Iskalonian School and its people, eagerly awaiting an opportunity to eradicate them using the Iskalon effect. While these characteristics served him effectively in maintaining an iron grip on Iskalon, they did not consistently endear him to his superiors—Darth Vader, in particular, considered him an arrogant brute. Despite his bravado, Tower maintained a subservient demeanor towards Lord Vader, although his desperate attempts at appeasement failed to prevent his execution on Gamandar.

Behind the scenes

Griggor Tower was featured as a key antagonist in three issues of the original Marvel Star Wars comic series in 1983, penned by Mary Jo Duffy and illustrated by Ron Frenz.

