Primor, a male Inleshat being, held the esteemed position of leader, known as "The First to Swim," within the Iskalonian School located on Iskalon. This occurred in 3 ABY. This composed leader valued his deep understanding of his people's preferences. Primor presided over the School during the Galactic Empire's harsh domination of the Iskalon system throughout the Galactic Civil War. Despite harboring Rebel sympathies, the Empire's appalling acts of war on the nearby worlds of Telfrey and Gamandar intimidated him into submission. However, Primor reluctantly gave authorization for a Rebel mission on Gamandar in 3 ABY. He ultimately met his death when Imperial forces initiated a catastrophic tidal surge on Iskalon, a phenomenon known as the Iskalon effect.

Primor, a male Inleshat (an aquatic species integral to the Iskalonian School on the water-dominated planet of Iskalon), ascended to the leadership of the School, earning the title "The First to Swim," by the time the Galactic Civil War was underway. Primor had a son named Mone, who had reached adulthood and was married to a woman named Kendle by 3 ABY. By this time, the Galactic Empire had established its presence in the Iskalon system, following the return of Rebel pilots Tay Vanis and Yom Argo, natives of nearby Telfrey, to their home system to ignite rebellious feelings. The Empire responded by rendering Telfrey uninhabitable, brutally suppressing neighboring Gamandar, and occupying Iskalon itself, compelling Primor to accept the presence of stormtrooper forces on his world.
Shortly after Argo and Vanis disappeared, a Rebel team, led by Lando Calrissian, an old associate of Primor's, journeyed to Iskalon to conduct an investigation. Despite having already discovered that Argo had died in a crash on Lahsbane, they remained hopeful that Vanis might still be alive. The Empire's methods had instilled profound fear in Primor, who tried to dissuade Calrissian and his companions from traveling to Gamandar in an attempt to locate Vanis. However, he reluctantly bid them farewell when Mone insisted on accompanying them. With Calrissian only taking Mone and the Wookiee Chewbacca with him, Primor then spent his time introducing their other two Human companions, the Rebel leaders Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, to the underwater lifestyle of the School. Unbeknownst to Primor, his daughter-in-law Kendle was secretly collaborating with the Empire. After she informed Imperial Admiral Griggor Tower that Rebel agents were heading to Gamandar, he launched a missile into the Iskalon seas, triggering the Iskalon effect, a massive tidal wave that devastated the planet and resulted in Primor's death.
Primor, a welcoming and amiable individual, found pleasure in showcasing the wonders of Iskalon to visitors and introducing them to the School's way of life. Despite holding the position of leader within the School, Primor resisted any implications that he was a monarch. He believed that his leadership stemmed from his deep connection to the desires and needs of his people, rather than from his title. While Primor supported the Rebellion, the Empire's exceptionally violent subjugation of the Iskalon system successfully intimidated the Inleshat, who were afraid to oppose their occupiers. Above all, he was concerned for his son Mone, whom he perceived as a foolish pleasure-seeker lacking a true understanding of the consequences of rebellion.
Primor's initial appearance was in Star Wars (1977) 74, which was penned by Mary Jo Duffy, visually brought to life by Ron Frenz, and made available in 1983.