Yom Argo, also known as Dart, was a male Human operative who fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Hailing from Telfrey, Argo, alongside his compatriot Tay Vanis, provoked the Galactic Empire's fury by instigating rebellious feelings within the Iskalon system, which resulted in the destruction of Telfrey. Later, Argo and Vanis obtained intelligence from Bothan sources concerning a new Imperial superweapon in 3 ABY. However, Argo perished in a spacecraft accident on Lahsbane before he could return to the Rebel military force.
As a male Human from the world of Telfrey, Yom Argo, whose nickname was "Dart," became a spy for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, collaborating closely with his friend and fellow Telfrey native, Tay Vanis. Argo and Vanis attracted the attention of the Empire by inciting Rebel sympathies throughout their home Iskalon system, including among the aquatic Iskalonian School on Iskalon. The growing unrest in the system led to a severe Imperial response. Ultimately, Argo and Vanis' planet of origin, Telfrey, was rendered completely uninhabitable. Around 3 ABY, Argo and Vanis received data from Bothan informants regarding a new weapon of mass destruction being developed by the Empire, and they downloaded this information onto tapes with the intention of delivering them to Rebel leaders.
Argo and Vanis soon realized that the Empire was aggressively pursuing them, and the two longtime friends decided that their best option was to separate. Vanis would take the tapes and escape, while Argo would go back to request assistance from the Rebel navy. With the help of a member of the small Lahsbee race, Argo traveled to the Lahsbee home planet of Lahsbane, but his vessel crashed, and the Rebel met his end in the accident. In honor of his Lahsbee companion, a collection of tapes documenting their mission was taken to the Lahsbee Forbidden City and placed within a memorial. His friend Vanis also vanished before reaching a Rebel base; he was later discovered to have been captured by the Sith Lord Darth Vader and subjected to torture, leaving him in a vegetative state.
The circumstances of their disappearance, along with the location of the Bothan tapes, immediately became a top priority for the Alliance. This prompted the Rebels to send a team, including prominent figures Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, to uncover their fate and recover the information. Their investigation initially brought them to Lahsbane, where they learned from the Lahsbees that Argo had died, and they then proceeded to retrieve his tapes from the Forbidden City.
Yom Argo was a Human male who had dark hair.
Yom Argo was first referenced in Star Wars (1977) 73, penned by Mary Jo Duffy and published in 1983. He was mentioned several times in later issues of the original Marvel Star Wars comic book. Argo was briefly depicted with his companion Tay Vanis in Star Wars (1977) 74, where he was drawn by Ron Frenz, although the comic does not specify which character is which. This ambiguity was later resolved by the StarWars.com Databank more than two decades later.