Skirmish in the Cantros system

The skirmish that occurred in the Cantros system served as a preliminary engagement in the Nagai–Tof invasion which took place during 4 ABY.



Following the thwarting of their plans at the Battle of Kashyyyk, Knife, the Nagai Commander, opted to employ a mercenary in order to inflict greater damage upon the Alliance of Free Planets. Knife made contact with Durne, a Cantrosian, with the intention of instigating unrest within the Cantros system. Durne proved to be exceptionally successful in this endeavor. He managed to infiltrate two distinct Rebel factions on the planet of Cantros 7, ultimately rising to the position of head of intelligence for both groups.

Holding this position, Durne gained the ability to manipulate the flow of information reaching each faction. To provoke conflict between them, Durne falsely informed each group that the other was collaborating with the Galactic Empire. Consumed by fear of any potential threat, the opposing sides readily accepted Durne's fabrications, engaging in deadly attacks against one another, remaining completely unaware of the true nature of the situation. Durne even intercepted communications that were gradually making their way to other worlds far from the Rebellion's central command. As a result of this manipulation, neither group learned of Palpatine's demise at Endor. It was precisely this situation that the Rebel heroes, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo stumbled upon when they witnessed an X-wing piloted by the Cantrosian, Minka, being pursued by three Y-wings. Despite their suspicion regarding the conflict between two Rebellion-affiliated vessels, the three Rebels intervened to assist the outnumbered X-wing, utilizing the Millennium Falcon to shoot down the Y-wings.


Following their confrontation with Minka regarding the situation, Luke, Leia, and Han proceeded to a nearby planet to investigate the circumstances. The absence of any documented Imperial involvement within the Cantros system rendered the perceived threat of the Empire perplexing. The three Rebels engaged in conversation with Durne, but remaining true to his role as a Nagai agent, he only served to further obscure the points of contention. Accompanied by Minka and her sweetheart Sami, Luke, Leia, and Han resolved to journey to the opposite side of the planet in order to investigate the alleged Imperials.

Upon their arrival, however, Luke, Han, and Sami were captured by the opposing group of Cantrosians. Leia and Minka managed to discreetly escape, following the captors back to their base. As prisoners of the opposing faction, Luke, Han, and Sami swiftly uncovered Durne's role in the conflict, witnessing his position as head of intelligence for the other side. Durne attempted to conceal the entire situation by denouncing the three Rebels as spies and attempting to execute them without delay. Fortunately, Leia and Minka, who had quietly infiltrated the base, were able to halt the proceedings, with Leia disarming Durne by blasting his weapon from his grasp.

Regrettably, the shot convinced the opposing Cantrosians that they were confronting genuine Imperials, prompting them to open fire on Leia and Minka. A shootout ensued, but Leia succeeded in freeing Luke, Han, and Sami from their restraints. As the intensity of the blasterfire escalated, Durne resolved to seize an opportune moment. Recognizing that the opposing Cantrosians would undoubtedly persist in the conflict if he secretly assassinated their leader, Durne prepared to fire upon Niru, the voice of reason within the opposing group. Unfortunately for Durne's designs, Luke sensed the treacherous act, intercepting Durne's shot with his lightsaber. The deflected blast struck Durne in the arm. Witnessing the Jedi's intervention in saving their leader, the opposing Cantrosians immediately ceased fighting.


Despite Durne's attempt to flee the battlefield, Niru swiftly tripped him, causing him to fall to the ground. The Cantrosians apprehended Durne, tying him up and vowing to ensure that he provided comprehensive answers regarding his actions. Leia was able to elucidate to the opposing Cantrosians the malevolent scheme that Durne had orchestrated, leading to a tearful reconciliation between the two Cantrosian factions.

Despite the fact that both sides had killed many of their brethren, they pledged to collaborate in forging a bond of friendship. With the catastrophe averted, Leia, Han, and Luke returned to the Alliance of Free Planets to embark on their next assignment. It was not until a much later time that the group would discover that Commander Knife had been the originator behind the plot.

