
A Cantrosian female named Minka functioned as a starfighter pilot within a Cantrosian faction. This group pledged allegiance to the Rebel Alliance. The year 4 ABY saw her entangled in a conspiracy that unfolded in her home system. She stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Rebellion's celebrated heroes, battling against what was believed to be an Imperial cell. The truth emerged: one of her closest comrades had been manipulating events, and those they perceived as enemies were, in reality, loyal to the Rebellion. With the traitor apprehended, Minka, along with her companion Sami, dedicated herself to mending the fractured relationships within their community, seeking a unifying middle ground.


Early Years and a Near-Fatal Incident

Minka screaming as her X-wing sustained critical damage

Minka, a female of the Cantrosian species, first saw life in the capital city of Cantros 7, a world situated in the Outer Rim. As an adult, she became a member of a faction of her people who were loyal to the Rebel Alliance and encountered fellow Cantrosians Sami and Durne, the local intelligence network's coordinator.

During 4 ABY, while attempting to reach the nearest Rebellion outpost, Minka's X-wing was attacked by Y-wings operated by Cantrosians belonging to a rival faction. She believed this faction was loyal to the Galactic Empire based on information provided by Durne's informants. Her squadmates perished, and her own fighter suffered severe damage. Shortly after contacting the local control tower, she crash-landed on the planet Saijo. Her distress signal was picked up by Rebellion icons Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, who came to her rescue and eliminated the Y-wings. Upon being taken to a medical facility, Minka was stunned to discover that, contrary to Durne's reports, Emperor Palpatine was deceased, and the Empire had been defeated some time prior.

Minka: A Hero of the Rebellion

Minka at a medcenter on Saijo

Minka guided the Rebels to an asteroid within the Cantros system. It served as the base for her Rebellion-aligned faction, where she introduced them to her allies, including Sami and Durne. Amused by Solo's claim that there had been no Imperial activity in the Saijo sector for a while, Minka and Sami accompanied the Rebellion heroes aboard Solo's vessel, the Millennium Falcon, to the primary planet of the alleged Imperial cell. More Cantrosian Y-wings appeared, damaging the Falcon and forcing the craft to land in a ravine. Skywalker employed the Force to lift Organa and Minka out of the ravine, but he, Sami, and Solo were captured by the rival faction led by the Cantrosian Niru.

Despite Minka's eagerness to assist, she and Organa remained hidden, carefully observing the situation to choose the optimal moment to intervene. They uncovered that Durne—who had been employed by Nagai leader Knife to incite conflict within the Cantros system—had been manipulating the tensions between the factions, all of whom actually supported the Rebellion. Minka and Organa then sprang into action to apprehend him. The faction members, mistaking the intruders for Imperials, commenced firing. Minka returned fire, setting her weapon to stun. However, Niru calmed the faction members. Durne attempted to shoot her, but Skywalker incapacitated him. With Durne in custody and his betrayal revealed, Minka and Sami introduced themselves to their fellow Rebels and sought to find common ground.

Personality and Characteristics

Minka firing her blaster

Minka demonstrated a strong allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, even considering her wingmates' sacrifices as a worthwhile cost if it meant intervention from the Rebellion's heroes and the cessation of Imperial activity in Cantrosian systems. She held deep affection for Sami, who affectionately called her "Darling." When Niru's faction captured Sami, Solo, and Skywalker, Minka felt deeply concerned and desired to help them. Minka possessed light green eyes and orange-colored fur, with hair of the same shade interspersed with lighter streaks.

Skills and Proficiencies

Minka was a highly skilled pilot, capable of surviving intense combat situations even when her wingmates were killed. She was also adept at using a blaster.


Minka wore a dark blue suit paired with black footwear, and carried a black sidearm. She also piloted an X-wing.

Behind the Curtains

Minka made her debut in the Marvel Comics issue Star Wars 93, published on December 18, 1984 and penned by Mary Jo Duffy. Sal Buscema illustrated Minka in the comic book. The 2008 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia mistakenly claims she was among the few pilots who survived the Empire's attack on Cantros, despite Star Wars 93 establishing that there was no Imperial presence in the Cantros system. The entry also incorrectly identifies Minka as a member of the Rebel Alliance.

