The Naldar subjugation, orchestrated by the Galactic Empire, unfolded amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War.
The Imperial forces launched their initial assault on the world of Naldar in the year 2 ABY. During the defense of his royal family, Prince Denin met his demise. His sister, Princess Vila, then made the decision to continue the struggle by taking on the identity of her deceased brother. Despite the early gains of the Empire, the Naldar forces bravely resisted the invasion, resulting in a heavily fortified capital city.
Following the invasion of Belderone, the Dark Jedi known as Flint sided with the Empire. Darth Vader subsequently placed him in command of the Naldar invasion force. After Vader's passing, Flint would become the apprentice of the Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Lumiya charged Flint with the task of conquering the entire Phelleem sector and eliminating Luke Skywalker, all while she laid the groundwork for the Nagai invasion of the galaxy. Consequently, the final Imperial assault on Naldar occurred shortly after the Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets. Upon receiving information about the Rebel victory, Princess Vila journeyed to Endor to request assistance from the Alliance of Free Planets. Soon after her departure, Imperial forces successfully seized the capital city, resulting in a massacre of the majority of its inhabitants.
Princess Vila, still disguised as her deceased brother Denin, was the sole survivor of her starfighter squadron to safely reach Endor. However, Admiral Ackbar found himself unable to allocate any forces. Consequently, the Heroes of Yavin made the decision to accompany the Princess to Naldar. Upon their arrival, the Millennium Falcon was struck down by a planetary energy cannon. Amidst the ruins of the capital city, the true identity of Vila was finally revealed.

The Rebels were then ambushed by Imperial stormtroopers, and Princess Vila lost her life in the ensuing battle. Luke Skywalker engaged Flint in a duel, but Flint was ultimately redeemed by his longtime friend Barney. A stormtrooper attempted, unsuccessfully, to execute the Sith Lord for treason. With the Imperial troops defeated, Flint proceeded to destroy the planetary cannon, preventing it from targeting other worlds.
Having rejected the Dark side of the Force, Flint returned to his home planet of Belderone, where he resided for many years. Ultimately, he was assassinated by his former master, Lumiya.