Battle of Belderone (Galactic Civil War)

The Battle of Belderone unfolded when Darth Vader's Star Destroyer entered Belderone's orbit to investigate Rebel activity near Kulthis.


Under the guise of trade, the Rebels had landed on Belderone to prepare for a future assault on Kulthis. Their arrival drew the attention of the locals, who gathered around the Millennium Falcon. Two citizens, Flint and Barney, spotted Luke Skywalker's lightsaber and correctly identified him as a Jedi. They inquired whether he was a Jedi Knight. To avoid revealing his true identity, Luke claimed the lightsaber was a gift from a friend of his father. The group was later provided lodging at a local tavern. However, an informant working for General Andrid betrayed their location, leading to the dispatch of three agents to apprehend Skywalker. The Rebels evaded blaster fire while shielding Zana from the conflict, eventually subduing the Imperials. Upon discovering that Andrid had concealed Skywalker's location, Vader executed him using Force Choke.

Driven by Andrid's hubris, Vader accelerated his plan to capture Skywalker and crush the Rebels. He deployed a squadron of newly manufactured AT-AT walkers to test their capabilities by destroying a nearby village. These walkers were then intended to be transported by bulk cruisers for an attack on Kulthis. Luke alerted the Rebels on Kulthis to the Empire's presence on Belderone. Consequently, Rebel leaders dispatched a squadron of T-65 X-wings and Snowspeeders to neutralize the walkers before they could devastate the village and the Rebel base. Luke's X-wing was shot down, forcing him to land on an AT-AT. A second walker was about to target the downed fighter, but was intercepted by another walker commandeered by Lando Calrissian and Leia Organa. While most of the AT-ATs were either captured or destroyed, one managed to reach the village and crush Zana's Diner, with Zana still inside.


Despite the Rebel victory, Flint, overwhelmed by grief over his mother's death, defected to the Empire.

