Serving directly under Darth Vader, Andrid, a male Human, held the rank of General within the Galactic Empire. Stationed within the Belderone sector, Andrid participated in efforts aimed at suppressing growing Rebel support on the planet of Kulthis. However, in the year 3 ABY, after a failed and unauthorized attempt to assassinate key Rebel leaders, Vader executed Andrid without delay.
By 3 ABY, Andrid, a male Human, had ascended to the rank of General within the Imperial Army. Despite serving under the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Andrid harbored doubts regarding Vader's past as a Jedi. As the Empire moved to quell rising Rebel sympathies on Kulthis, Andrid, tasked with overseeing the production of AT-AT walkers on nearby Belderone for the impending assault, received a warning from Vader about the mission's importance. However, upon learning from an informant that prominent Rebel figures, including Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, were on Belderone, Andrid defied Vader's orders and dispatched his own [assassins](/article/assassin-legends] to eliminate them. When this plot failed, Vader was informed of Andrid's treachery by one of Vader's spies. Enraged by Andrid's audacity and incompetence, Vader used the Force to choke the general to death on the spot.
Despite being Darth Vader's subordinate, Andrid dared to question Vader's belief in the Force and his Jedi origins, even openly expressing his skepticism. He frequently believed Vader overstated his own significance. In 3 ABY, Andrid's aversion towards Vader escalated into outright insubordination when he attempted to eliminate the Rebels without Vader's consent. This act ultimately led to Andrid's demise, as Vader reacted violently to what he perceived as Andrid's foolishness and arrogance.
Star Wars Annual (1977) 3, written by Mary Jo Duffy, with illustrations by Klaus Janson, and published in 1983, featured Andrid.