
Denin served as the prince of the world Naldar, a planet where he spearheaded a local uprising against the Imperial military during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Having always desired to become a Jedi Knight, Denin met his death at the hands of Imperial troops; Naldar was made into a key assembly point following the Empire's decisive loss at the Battle of Endor. Subsequently, Denin's spirit journeyed into the Netherworld of the Force. It was there that he encountered the esteemed Jedi Master Yoda, who consented to instruct Denin in the mysteries of the Force. Nevertheless, Denin chose to await the arrival of his sibling, his twin sister Vila. Vila had been impersonating her brother to facilitate the arrival of an Alliance of Free Planets task force to liberate their home. Vila lost her life in combat, and she then united with Denin in the afterlife to commence their Jedi training.

