New Order (Darth Caedus)

The New Order, alternatively referred to as the New Empire, represented Darth Caedus's, a Sith Lord, conceptualization of what the Galactic Alliance should become. This vision shared ideological similarities with Darth Sidious's version of a New Order. For instance, both Sith Lords aimed to promote the absolute authority of the Sith through the dark side of the Force, and to impose this rule.

In his dual role as Chief of State and Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Caedus sought to usher in a new age for the galaxy. This new age would be characterized by peace and security, free from widespread conflict and disunity, all under the governance of a resurrected Galactic Empire. He intended to maintain this peaceful vision through martial enforcement, relying on the Galactic Alliance Guard as his primary enforcers. While Caedus initially attempted to sway his younger cousin, the Jedi Ben Skywalker, to his cause, he ultimately determined that he was destined to rule the galaxy alongside Tahiri Veila as his apprentice.

Darth Caedus's New Order met an untimely demise when he was killed by his sister, the Sword of the Jedi Jaina Solo, during the Battle of Shedu Maad in 41 ABY. The death of the Sith Lord, coupled with the capture of his apprentice, brought the Second Galactic Civil War to a conclusion and resulted in the disbandment of Caedus' Sith Order.

