StealthX wing

During the Second Galactic Civil War, the New Jedi Order established a starfighter unit in 40 ABY known as the StealthX wing. This wing was unique because it was entirely composed of Jedi pilots who flew the nearly undetectable StealthX fighters.

Operational History

The wing's existence began with a request from Jacen Solo. Determined to maintain the galactic government's stability against the Confederation's disruptive forces, he had assumed control of the Galactic Alliance and secretly joined the Sith, becoming Darth Caedus. Anticipating a key battle on Balmorra against the Confederation fleets encroaching upon the Core Worlds, Jacen requested that the Jedi assign some StealthX fighters to the Fourth Fleet for the impending campaign. Initially, the Jedi Council declined the request. However, Grand Master Luke Skywalker recognized an opportunity to outmaneuver Jacen and secretly organized the StealthX wing. The new Jedi combat force dramatically revealed itself at Balmorra, launching a surprise and devastating assault on the Commenorian fleet, which was the most formidable Confederation battlegroup present. Their intervention significantly influenced the battle's outcome.

The Jedi reluctantly agreed to establish their base on Jacen's command ship, the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo.[5]. With the war's focus shifting to Kuat, they were expected to be pivotal in the Alliance's strategy for victory.[6]

However, the Jedi withdrew from the Alliance when news surfaced that Ben Skywalker had been involved in the assassination of the deposed Chief of State Cal Omas, blaming Jacen for the act. They flew to Kashyyyk and declared their intention to oppose his government, a decision that played a crucial role in persuading the Wookiee homeworld to join the Jedi Coalition later.

The StealthX wing then established its base in Military Hangar 15 in Rwookrrorro, presumably as formal allies of the Wookiee military, with the support of local ground crews. From there, they participated in the Battle of Kashyyyk, initiating a full-scale attack against the attacking Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, while Master Skywalker conducted a shadow bomb attack on the Anakin Solo.

The attack's success was mixed. The Night Blades squadron suffered the loss of three pilots due to intense flak defense during their attack on the Victory-class Star Destroyer Vulnerator, with little apparent gain. Although the attack on the Anakin Solo seemed to result in the loss of Master Skywalker and his fighter, it was actually a ruse designed to allow Luke and R2-D2 to infiltrate the Alliance flagship.

Following the Confederation's retreat from Kashyyyk, the wing relocated to a base on Endor, where the fighters were dispersed in pairs throughout the forest surrounding the new Jedi base. One pilot, Tahiri Veila, had committed to serving the Alliance, and Caedus dispatched her with her fighter in a failed attempt to locate the hidden base of the newly formed Jedi Coalition.

Subsequently, Grand Master Skywalker led a small group of fighters to attack Darth Caedus during a truce meeting with Corellian forces. Their plan involved a surprise attack on the Sith Lord's Star Destroyer, after which Skywalker and Kyp Durron would board the ship to confront him.

Upon discovering Caedus airborne in his TIE Reconnaissance Fighter, they successfully ambushed him. However, Skywalker's realization that Caedus had his daughter Allana with him compelled him to abort the attack at the last moment.

The StealthX wing later participated in the Battle of Uroro Station. Luke Skywalker led the wing in two separate raids on the Anakin Solo. The first raid was a failed attempt to board the ship and rescue Prince Isolder who had been captured earlier by Darth Caedus. After taking losing a considerable amount of fighters Grand Master Skywalker was forced to call off the attack. After Jaina Solo killed Darth Caedus another assault was launched. With the Sith Lord dead, Darth Caedus's Sith Battle meditation was no longer a threat to the Jedi pilots. The Jedi boarded the Anakin Solo, fought through Galactic Alliance and Imperial troopers, and then negotiated a temporary partnership between the Imperial Remnant and Jedi Coalition. This forced the Confederation to surrender which ended the Second Galactic Civil War.


The wing encompassed all combat-ready Jedi StealthX fighters, totaling between seventy and eighty starfighters. It appears that the wing's actual combat strength closely matched this number at the beginning of its deployment.

The force was organized into six squadrons, each consisting of approximately a dozen fighters. Each known squadron leader was a Jedi Master, and each known squadron name combined a bladed weapon's name with an adjective denoting a dark color. These names subtly combined the image of the Jedi lightsaber with the stealth-attack role of the fighters flown by the pilots.

For example, Kyp Durron commanded Shadow Saber squadron, Saba Sebatyne led the Night Blades, and Kenth Hamner commanded Dark Sword squadron. The other squadrons were likely organized similarly. Although their designations and commanders remain unknown, Corran Horn's involvement in discussions before the Battle of Kuat suggests he may have been another squadron leader.

Master Skywalker's precise role within the organization remains unclear. He served as overall commander during the briefing at Kuat, but he undertook a solo mission at Kashyyyk, independent of any squadron unit. His fighter briefly flew with the Night Blades, but this does not necessarily indicate a permanent affiliation with that unit.

The wing sustained combat losses at Kashyyyk, with the Night Blades losing three pilots. Jaina Solo feared that the losses throughout the wing could have been as high as twenty-five percent of its total combat strength.

During the subsequent attempt to assassinate Darth Caedus, a unit called Red Sword Flight was formed, personally led by Grand Master Skywalker. It consisted of six heavily-loaded fighters, each crewed by three senior Jedi Masters and their respective knights as wing-mates. For this mission, one fighter, piloted by the Rodian knight Twool, was equipped with enhanced sensors. Replacing some of the weapons mounted by the others, these arrays were intended to provide a precise location of the Sith Lord.

