Spinward-class tender

The Spinward-class tender functioned as a mobile repair vessel utilized by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances almost a century following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Comparable in size to bulk freighters, these tenders were responsible for conducting significant repairs on Alliance warships that had sustained damage.


The design of the Spinward-class tender prioritized the execution of extensive repairs in deep space, catering to both large capital ships and transports. Equipped with sizable robotic arms mounted on the vessel and integrated tractor beams, the Spinward possessed the capability to secure itself to a compromised starship, enabling the immediate commencement of repair operations. The ship accommodated zero-gravity repair teams outfitted with EVA suits or repair pods, a diverse selection of astromech droids or repair droids, and conventional technicians. Each Spinward was stocked with a wide range of repair supplies, encompassing replacement components and hull plating. Although not as capable as a dedicated shipyard or spacedock, the Spinward proved indispensable for entities lacking the required infrastructure, such as the Galactic Alliance Remnant.


Spinward-class tenders were deployed at the Black Redoubt, a clandestine repair and upkeep installation situated in deep space and managed by the Galactic Alliance Remnant.


  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide

Notes and references
