The RC-2 Twilight, a sizable starfighter, found its main purpose in scouting and reconnaissance missions.
The RC-2, manufactured by Incom, was highly regarded by reconnaissance units. It integrated sophisticated stealth technology initially developed for the StealthX. Its spacious cockpit allowed the pilot freedom of movement during extended missions, and it could accommodate up to two additional passengers who could manage sensor stations inside.
In terms of operations, the RC-2 depended on its stealth capabilities and speed to overcome its weaknesses in armor, shielding, and armaments. To enhance its survivability, it employed various active and passive technologies. A key feature was its dispersive coating, which minimized the ship's sensor reflectivity and reduced its heat signature. This coating was further enhanced by a mottled pattern of dark gray and black colors, subtly speckled with white, allowing the RC-2 to camouflage itself against the backdrop of space. Furthermore, the RC-2's ion engines were specifically designed for this starfighter. They resembled those of a TIE/LN starfighter - compact and emitting minimal engine glow to avoid detection.
Overall, the RC-2 was notoriously difficult to detect when its engines were off and its sensors were in passive mode. If detected, it could deploy a limited jamming field to disrupt enemy sensors and targeting systems. Additionally, a pair of potent torpedoes allowed it to launch effective surprise attacks.