During both the Sith–Imperial War and the following Second Imperial Civil War, the Galactic Alliance utilized a unique starfighter known as the Jumpstar HPF starfighter.
The Jumpstar HPF, also known as a hyperspace pursuit fighter, shared significant structural similarities with the A-9 Vigilance interceptor. The A-9 Vigilance interceptor was manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The Jumpstar boasted a pair of sophisticated engines and unique regenerating shields, enabling it to compete with many contemporary starfighters, although it was not as fast as top-tier interceptors. Beyond its front-mounted laser cannon, the Jumpstar was equipped with eight marker missiles. These missiles were not intended for destruction, but instead affixed a tracking beacon to the target, facilitating pursuit.
While capable of standard starfighter duties, the Jumpstar HPF's main purpose was tracking. The Jumpstar was a very capable pursuit vehicle because of its strong engines, retractable sensor arrays, and marker missiles. Its main mission was to chase and track enemy starships that were trying to get away.
Twisted Star Squadron, a distinguished fighter group within the Galactic Alliance Remnant, operated the Jumpstar HPF. This squadron was deployed during the Battle of Caamas with the intention of tracking any escaping Imperial warships. However, the battle became an Alliance defeat, and Twisted Star Squadron was among the units that fled with Admiral Gar Stazi.