Twisted Star Squadron was a top-tier squadron of starfighters that fought for the Galactic Alliance's Core Fleet. Outfitted with Jumpstar HPF starfighters, this squadron leveraged the Jumpstar's cutting-edge technology to chase down escaping enemy ships through hyperspace.
In the year 130 ABY, Twisted Star Squadron took part in the final major battle during the Alliance's war against the Fel Empire on Caamas. After the Alliance fleet suffered heavy losses against the Imperials, this squadron was among those that followed Admiral Gar Stazi as he orchestrated a withdrawal. During the subsequent Imperial Civil War, Twisted Star Squadron remained in service to the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, operating as scouts who monitored Imperial vessels and ensured the destruction of crippled ships as they retreated from combat.
Twisted Star Squadron served as a Jumpstar HPF starfighter squadron within the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet in 130 ABY, during the Alliance's war opposing the Fel Empire. As the Galactic Alliance's premier hyperspace pursuit unit, Twisted Star Squadron utilized the Jumpstar's sophisticated sensors and computational power to pursue fleeing ships through the depths of hyperspace. Following a pursuit of a fleeing vessel, the squadron would then engage the ship directly or relay its coordinates and request reinforcements. The pilots of Twisted Star Squadron were renowned for their rapid decision-making skills, a necessity for quickly assessing situations and calculating potential jump trajectories almost instantaneously. The squadron's moniker was inspired by the extreme maneuvers frequently required to achieve the precise pursuit vector.
During the Battle of Caamas in 130 ABY, the concluding major clash of the Sith-Imperial War, Twisted Star was positioned to pursue damaged Imperial vessels as they retreated from the battle zone, due to the Galactic Alliance anticipating a guaranteed victory. However, the battle unfolded differently than expected, and the Alliance fleet sustained significant damage. When Duros Admiral Gar Stazi commanded an Alliance retreat, Twisted Star Squadron was among the vessels that accompanied him.
In the conflict that unfolded after the Sith-Imperial War, Twisted Star Squadron continued their service within the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, functioning as scouts who tracked Imperial vessels back to their originating ports or designated rendezvous points. Furthermore, the squadron ensured the destruction of crippled ships, ambushing enemy vessels upon their return from hyperspace.

Twisted Star Squadron, in its capacity as the Core Fleet's foremost hyperspace pursuit unit, employed the advanced Jumpstar HPF starfighter. This twin-engine fighter utilized one of two methods to track targets through hyperspace. The more dependable approach involved attaching a hyperspace tracking device to the target, while the alternative, less reliable method entailed analyzing a fleeing ship's departure vector, engine performance, and other pertinent data to estimate a potential destination. In scenarios presenting a range of possible destinations, the pilots were often compelled to make informed estimations and assumptions.
Twisted Star Squadron was first brought to light in the 2009 Legacy Era Campaign Guide, a sourcebook for the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying game.