Hapan Battle Dragon

The main warships utilized by the Hapes Consortium were the Hapan Battle Dragons.

Design and function

These Battle Dragons, designed by Olanji/Charubah, became the principal capital ships within the Hapan Royal Navy, receiving support from Nova-class battle cruisers. The Hapan fleet, commanded by Prince Isolder's crimson Battle Dragon called Song of War, consisted of a minimum of 63 Battle Dragons, with each ship symbolizing a world belonging to the Consortium.

Battle Dragon schematics.

Battle Dragons had a distinctive dual saucer-shaped hull, measuring 500 meters in diameter, linked by sixteen rotation support struts to a central core. The ships' armament included forty ion cannons and forty turbolaser batteries, which were attached to rotating circular sections located on the top and bottom hull plates. To make up for the slow recharge rate of the weaponry, the disc would rotate, presenting fresh guns to the enemy while the previously used guns recharged their capacitors. The Hapans considered this a more effective method of utilizing firepower.

Aside from the rotating weapon emplacements, Battle Dragons also carried ten proton torpedo tubes, tractor beam projectors, heavy triple ion cannon batteries mounted dorsally and ventrally, and sixteen pulse mass mines launched from four pulse mass generator tubes. Each Battle Dragon housed three squadrons of Miy'til starfighters or T-65 X-wing starfighters in onboard hangars, as well as a battalion of 500 soldiers. The ships required a crew of 1,200 individuals and 190 gunners.


It was discovered in combat that Battle Dragons had two major weaknesses: first, damage to the drive system could cripple the ship. Second, the designers intended for Battle Dragons to be deployed en masse against a small number of targets. Keeping this in mind, they economized on targeting computers, installing only four.

General Cracken discusses the potential threat of the Hapes cluster

This resulted in exceptional performance against a single target but proved ineffective against multiple targets. In situations where a lone Battle Dragon faced a group, the Dragon's tactics were limited to selecting a direction and unleashing a barrage of energy, hoping for random hits to facilitate escape, due to the poor performance of the few targeting computers against a multitude of targets.


The Hapans employed ion cannons to disable the deflector shields of enemy capital ship types, for instance, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, before launching volleys of proton torpedoes. This strategy proved highly successful, particularly when the Hapans attacked with several Battle Dragons, as demonstrated during the Battle of Dathomir.

The pulse-mass mines generated an artificial mass shadow in space, preventing enemy ships from jumping into hyperspace. Since deactivation was impossible until the mines' power was depleted, deploying them could pose as much of a risk to the Battle Dragon as to the ships it was trying to trap. The three squadrons of Miy'tils served as a fighter screen, preventing heavy bombers from penetrating the ion cannon defenses. The ion cannon-centric design was unique among capital ships; it was a pragmatic response to the Hapes Cluster's technological standing. Their isolationist policies had allowed their ion cannon technology to reach, and possibly surpass, standard galactic levels, while their turbolaser technology had fallen behind. After joining the New Republic in the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, the New Republic upgraded the Hapan fleet with contemporary turbolaser technology. Gilad Pellaeon also assisted in upgrading several Battle Dragons with new Galactic Alliance technology in 40 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Hapan Battle Dragons surrounding Coruscant in 8 ABY.

When Hapan Battle Dragons debuted in The Courtship of Princess Leia, their weapon rotation system was described as a simple means of increasing their firing rate. The novel suggested that this allowed Battle Dragons to fire three times faster than Imperial starships. The idea that Hapan turbolasers recharged more slowly than their Imperial and New Republic counterparts was not introduced until RPG materials.

