Corona-class frigate

The Corona-class frigate represented a starship of war, manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for the New Republic. As a follow-up to the successful EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, the Corona-class was conceived as a component of the New Republic's endeavor to modernize and standardize its naval forces. This initiative aimed to move away from the varied collection of starships inherited from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The frigate's design reflected the New Republic's strategic approach, linking its ships to a central base for logistical support, rather than enabling them to function autonomously for extended periods of years.

Bearing a physical likeness to its predecessor, vessels of the Corona-class were intended to operate both as independent units and as part of larger fleet formations. The ship was versatile enough to execute a range of mission types, including reconnaissance, close-range fire support, and anti-starfighter screening operations. The Corona-class boasted an array of offensive and defensive weaponry, along with hangar capacity for thirty-six starfighters. These frigates were integrated into the New Republic Defense Forces by 11 ABY, and saw action during the assaults against the New Republic orchestrated by Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala.


The Corona-class frigate, designed by Kuat Drive Yards, was modeled after the company's highly regarded EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. The Corona-class shared a similar profile to the Nebulon-B, featuring a forward section connected to the drive unit via a central spar. The forward section extended downward from the main body, while the central spar was made thicker compared to the original Nebulon-B design to provide enhanced protection. The drive unit contained the main engines, with stabilizing fins extending from the lower portion of the section on both sides. Operation of Corona-class vessels necessitated a crew of 782 personnel, along with fifty-six gunners; however, the frigate could function with a minimal crew of 281. The ships also accommodated a complement of eighty soldiers.

The Corona-class measured 275 meters in length, which was twenty-five meters shorter than its predecessor. It also had reduced cargo space for supplies and consumables, aligning with the New Republic's strategy of relying on home bases for support rather than being able to operate independently for extended periods of years. Corona-class vessels had the capacity to carry 4,000 metric tons of cargo, with enough provisions for one year before requiring resupply. The vessels were equipped with ten turbolaser cannons, ten laser cannons, four ion cannons, and two tractor beam projectors. The frigate's shield generators offered similar protection levels to those found on the Nebulon-B. However, it featured a stronger hull, enabling it to withstand greater damage in combat. The Corona-class incorporated a Class One hyperdrive, representing an improvement over the Class Two hyperdrive of the Nebulon-B. Three squadrons—comprising thirty-six starfighters—could be deployed from the Corona-class, compared to the two squadrons carried by the Nebulon-B frigate. Not all operational units carried a full complement, with some only equipped with short-range fighters.


The Corona-class frigate served as a patrol craft and was capable of undertaking various mission profiles. The vessel could operate autonomously, conducting reconnaissance-in-force, or as an integral part of a larger fleet, providing close fire support and anti-starfighter screening for larger capital ships. The frigate could also be utilized as a starfighter assault platform.


Following the Battle of Endor, as the New Republic began solidifying its authority, the guerrilla conflict that had defined its early years evolved into a conventional war. After the New Republic liberated Coruscant, the galactic capital, the commanders of the New Republic Defense Force recognized the need for a formal navy to both prosecute the war against the Galactic Empire and to safeguard their assets. The diverse array of ships inherited from the Rebel Alliance was no longer adequate for these purposes. The decision was made to design and produce new starship classes to standardize the New Republic's naval forces.

Before 9 ABY, Kuat Drive Yards received a commission to produce a line frigate, based on the successful Nebulon-B design that had served both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Simultaneously, the New Republic's Defender program was underway, and the Corona-class was incorporated into the project to enable Kuat Drive Yards' participation, alongside Loronar Corporation's Belarus-class medium cruiser. Production of the Corona-class was interrupted by Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic in 9 ABY, as well as the return of Emperor Palpatine a year later. Following these delays, the Defender program was restarted and became part of the New Class Modernization Program. Sharing physical similarities with its design predecessor, Corona-class vessels were in service by 11 ABY, with several ships seeing action during Admiral Natasi Daala's campaign against the New Republic. Orders for the Corona-class from the New Republic Defense Force were moderate but consistent, resulting in a limited production run of the design.

Notable vessels

Several Corona-class frigates were in service with the New Republic Defense Forces during the early years of the New Republic. The lead ship of the class, Corona, operated within the Core Worlds. Two vessels, Endor and Shooting Star, collided following a poorly timed hyperspace jump. Both ships were destroyed, resulting in the loss of all crew members. In 11 ABY, Boldheart encountered the Teljkon Vagabond, an organic starship utilized by the Qella as a genetic repository to ensure the survival of their species following an ice age on their homeworld of Brath Qella that threatened their extinction. Boldheart fired a warning shot across the Vagabond's bow; the Vagabond responded by disabling the frigate's engines with a single shot before escaping into hyperspace. The holos from the encounter provided the New Republic Intelligence Service with its first visual information regarding the Vagabond.

Behind the scenes

The Corona-class frigate was first presented in Cracken's Threat Dossier, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1997. Within the section dedicated to the events of The Black Fleet Crisis trilogy by Michael P. Kube-McDowell, its entry established that several vessels mentioned in the novels—Boldheart, Endor, and Shooting Star—belonged to this class.

