The YZ-2500 heavy transport, crafted by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, represented a capital-grade transport. Occasionally, the Galactic Alliance repurposed it for military applications.

This class of vessel exhibited a design echoing earlier Corellian shipbuilding philosophies, featuring traits akin to the Consular-class and the DP20 frigate. It stood as one of the most expansive space transports commercially accessible and was primarily favored by organizations seeking to transport significant cargo volumes with minimal ship deployment.
Despite constraints imposed by the Empire, the Corellian Engineering Corporation successfully manufactured these vessels by persuading Imperial authorities that the YZ-2500 would aid in securing trade routes threatened by piracy. Numerous of these ships were acquired by the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet. The renowned YZ-2500 transport, Pride of Corellia, under the command of Admiral Nict, served within the Core Fleet during the Sith–Imperial War. Tragically, the ship was annihilated, resulting in the loss of its entire crew, during the Battle of Caamas.