The Bounty, a warship used by the Galactic Alliance, saw service in the era after the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Constructed during the conflict of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Bounty, even in an incomplete state, played a role in discouraging direct assaults on Mon Calamari by the Vong until the war's concluding stages.
In the year 40 ABY, the Bounty participated in a Alliance task force that kept watch over Bothan fleet elements within Bothan Space, operating alongside the frigate Daring. Cha Niathal, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, made a visit to the ship as part of her initiative to maintain a visible presence on the front lines of the Second Galactic Civil War.
While on a mission in proximity to the Bothawui system, the Bounty achieved victory against a task force comprised of nineteen Bothan frigates. The Alliance forces managed to scatter the Bothan group, partly because several of the Bothan ships were either undergoing shakedown cruises or lacked full crews.
During the events of the Second Battle of Fondor, the Bounty stood among the Galactic Alliance vessels that maintained their allegiance to Cha Naithal.