Zaarin insurrection

The Zaarin insurrection represents a conflict that unfolded around 3.5 ABY. During this time, the forces under the command of Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin broke away from the Galactic Empire, initiating military actions against it as a splinter government. Their engagements with the Empire primarily occurred within the Outer Rim Territories. While they maintained independence, they also engaged in interactions with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Zaarin's leadership spurred advancements in TIE Series fighter technology, leading to the deployment of TIE/D Defenders and TIE/ad starfighters, which were more sophisticated than the standard fighters of the loyal Imperial Navy. Despite this technological edge, they ultimately faced defeat, largely attributed to the contributions of TIE pilot ace Maarek Stele.


  • Treachery at Ottega Battle of Ottega Battle of Parmel Battle of Imperial Center
  • Strategic Warfare Attack on Omar Attack on ZA-13 Capture of ZA-13 Defense of ZA-13 Battle of RS-32 Destruction of the Grappler Destruction of ZA-13
  • T/D Technology Capture of Research Defense of Research Evacuation of Research Second Battle of Parmel Ambush on Hashim
  • New Threats Battle of Kiilimaar Battle of Yrrna Battle of the Eva-T system Capture of Ali Tarrak
  • Hunt for Zaarin Attack on the Zaarin supply convoy Battle of Gwar Battle of Serenity Ambush in the Semag system Attack on the missile boat convoy Attack on Vorknkx Project Base Evacuation of Vorknkx Project Base
  • Prelude to Endor
  • The Emperor's Will Second Battle of Imperial Center Capture of the Zeplin Capture of the Link Recovery of the Sealion Battle of To-phalion Base Destruction of the Glory

