Florence Di Re, known as "Flo," is an actress providing the voice for Jocasta Nu, the former Jedi Researcher who became the Chief Librarian for the Jedi Archives. She is recognized as the official "audio double" for the character portrayed by Alethea McGrath. Her vocal performance is featured in four episodes of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, specifically one episode released in 2009, two episodes in 2010, and a single episode in 2014.
Di Re also lent her voice to the Arroyo Elder within the post-apocalyptic RPG, Fallout 2, which was released in 1998. She provides the Elder's voice both in the opening CGI cinematic and within her talking head animations during interactive dialogue sequences located in the starting area of Arroyo and later on the Enclave oil rig.
In the eleven-year span mentioned, six out of the seven projects she participated in revolved around science-fiction or fantasy themes.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Holocron Heist" (Jocasta Nu) Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Lightsaber Lost" (Jocasta Nu) Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Assassin" · (Jocasta Nu) Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lost One" (Jocasta Nu)
- Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — "The Sith Lord" (Jocasta Nu)